Beri is baack! (like a sheep) - Comments

  • Want-ur-Bad-Romance

    Want-ur-Bad-Romance (100)

    United States
    Wow, you get to go to CHINA? NO FAIR!!

    Any ways... Names Raven... My day right?

    Well, so far not much has happened.

    1. Woke up @ like 6:30, had a hard time doing so
    2.Got dressed into my light blue flare jeans, a black tank, hot pink flip flops and a hot pink sweater.
    3.Hair in pigtails.. (I am such a girlie girl)
    4. Ate my cocoa pebbles (yum)
    5. Made my lunch (cheesey roll with vegetable crm chse, goldfish crackers, caprisun, cookies)
    6. Tried to decide if I'm going to take my cd player to school, (MY IPOD BROKE!!)
    7. Waited at the bus stop
    8. Came to school.
    9. Got my laptop from the library for the last time (1 1/2 days left of school!)
    10. Watched Outbreak in Health
    11. Got yelled at by my science teacher for having missing work
    12. English, Commented on Beri's journal

    Yep, there's my day! Hope we can get to know eachother a bit more, you seem interesting. Alot like my friend Emily in Springfield.
    June 3rd, 2009 at 07:26pm