Random facts! Yes, again... - Comments

  • Beri...

    Beri... (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Erm, Beri is going to comment on nearly everything! Yay! =] Teehee:

    *Small feet? Beri'd love small feet! Hers are huge!
    *5'2" is kewlie. =]
    *No idea what a freshman is apart from that it's a point in school life. Same with 3rd grade.
    *Beri LOVES purple too! But not because of royalty, she just likes it.
    *Beri's glad you're happily back with your boyfriend.
    *Arguing is fine, otherwise you'd never understand what the other person is truly thinking.
    *Haha, teachers are a bit strange, aren't they!?
    *The Cure? Beri has never heard of them (or she has and can't remember the name!)
    *Most people act like Beri's clever. She's not. Beri would rather be acted to as if she was stupid. Then when she get things right she'd get praised, not when she gets things wrong she'd be laughed at.
    *Yay! Not long left for you! Beri has finished school already (apart from exams).
    *Brown eyes are kewlie!
    *Beri doesn't know what kindergarten is. Beri thinks it's what gets called 'Nursery' in England (Beri's home! ^-^)
    *Beri hates long division.
    *Beri hates maths in general.
    *When you were seven!?!? Wow. Beri has never been kissed (when sober, anyway.)
    *Beri can remember phone numbers, but not addresses.
    *Hehe, Beri's lunch was her breakfast...OH! Beri knows what you had for lunch! You told her! It sounds yummy.
    *Where's your laptop going?
    *Beri hasn't played Grand Theft Auto, but she knows that on one of them, if you shoot at the moon it gets bigger!
    *No idea how much 65 cents is.
    *Ooh, Knappa sounds like a mythical creature! Beri likes!!
    *Ew, country music!
    June 3rd, 2009 at 08:52pm