I Will Never Get Sick of Bonni's Puns! - Comments

  • Spanish Lullaby

    Spanish Lullaby (100)

    United States
    :) This journal made me smile. Honestly. No sarcasm. I'm honestly glad that you're finally happy with who you are and that you're surrounding yourself with a positive attitude. I know we had our problems this year, but I wish you nothing but the best.
    June 11th, 2009 at 08:29am
  • Angel di Morte

    Angel di Morte (100)

    United States
    However temporary this bliss might be, enjoy it. You've obviously grown quite a bit lately - learning to deal with life. And, even if things get you down again, from this experience, you can walk away knowing that it IS possible to overcome whatever is troubling you. You can walk away knowing that "this, too, shall pass" BECAUSE you have already learned this.

    And of course our friendship is more than a story or a band. It's about connecting with people who not only share several of the same interests, but who share the same struggles in life (whether it's high school or the workplace), the same need to believe that the world hasn't entirely gone to shit, and the same acceptance of each other for who we are.

    If there is one thing I've tried to remind myself over the years and throughout my own battles in life, it's this: Love who you are. It's easier said than done. But it's possible.
    June 11th, 2009 at 02:03am