Don't Charge Me For The Crime - Comments

  • dude, you just read my mind.
    July 19th, 2009 at 07:46am
  • I totally agree with everyone here, but more specifically, I agree with Diana the most. :) They SHOULD be able to grow up like everyone else and just because they're not their regular Disney pop anymore and are maturing, doesn't mean they are getting conceited or big-headed, you know? Actually, one of my best friend's couison met them a little over a month ago and she said they were one of the sweetest people she has ever met and for the people who HAVE met them, all said they were so charming and so great, so I will and forever have some type of place in my heart for them. :D
    July 8th, 2009 at 09:04pm
  • I definitely agree with what you've said. You made a lot of really good points. and the whole "joners" comment made me laugh .

    I also think that the new album is so different for two reasons, they want to expand their musical abilities and experiment, like you said, and that they kind of have to make such an big adjustment/change (good or bad) to keep their fans and gain new ones. The music scenes are all about to change pretty soon, like every thing does, and I think that the JoBros are trying to live their dream as long as they can(Whether it's truly for their fans/musical passion or money, it's their job and way to support their family). I mean, I would do the same if I was doing something I loved and knew it was coming to an end. I'd make a new sound to live it out longer or do some new things on a record that were unexpected. Either way you have people buying your record or pirating it and it's being heard and talked about. But, I don't know exactly what their reasons are for the new sound, whether it is simply because of new tastes like they have said or not, because I am, as Devi simply put it a fan, I don't know anything about them.

    It is sad that JoBro fans are slowly dying down, but the way I look at it, they are like any other band. Look at the whole Avril Lavinge stage a ton of girls went through is completely over and most of her songs were on the top of the charts, and look at her now, she's still successful, but her fame has died down, she still has fans, just not "tie-wearing-ripped-jeans-raccoon-eyed-fans" because she did change. But people still know her name, and she's had a couple of hits after the "skaterboy" craze.....

    So, I have faith in the female population (and some male) that twenty or thirty years from now we will all be watching some VH1 special on the Jonas Brothers (because we'll still remember them, for helping us get through break ups and making us laugh and their positive actions as role models) and it will say something about Kevin being a some highly ,well-known music producer, and Nick being a songwriter for the next big thing, Joe might even have a sitcom by then he's producing and acting in. Or they could just be living at home and do an annual "reunion" tour a couple times a year, or they could be hiding away in some far off island, living the celebrity life, heck, they might still even be in a tour bus every night with their families touring the globe. I guess we'll find out.

    Sorry if this doesn't all sound cohesive, I have had little sleep and just thought to throw this out there. I do not at all mean disrespect to anyone, the jonas brothers, Avril, Nsync or The Backstreet boys. I am fans of their music and respect them as musicians and as people.

    Hopefully, my writing can be comprehensive :D
    July 2nd, 2009 at 10:03pm
  • I agree with a lot of what you said but I think the Jonas Brothers fans should be allowed to grow up too. And to grow out of their rabid love. Because I guess that's what I did.

    Because I mean I understand them changing but I feel like they're not who they were selling before. And that's what I respected them for. So I'm kind of over them, haha. Guess I wasn't a true fan, sighs.
    July 1st, 2009 at 10:42pm
  • Excuse me for doing this, but can I just say that I'm laughing right now? To be completely honest, I'm NOT mad. AT ALL. I actually agree with a lot of the things you said. I applaud you for speaking your mind and sticking up for what you believe in and what you love. It takes guts to go against what other people are saying, especially if you're close to them, like you are to me.

    So, yeah (:
    July 1st, 2009 at 08:35pm
  • marvelous, just marvelous!

    greatly worded. shows you are very mature. good job!

    i agree 110% with you. they are growing up, and we, as fans. need to respect that. even if their songs are getting more er- mature.

    you have a wonderful head on you shoulders.
    June 19th, 2009 at 12:10am
  • Oh and one more thing; Katelyn claims my response on her journal was rude, but I said everything that everyone else said. I think it partly had to do with her hating me. But that's the thing; I dont like people "claiming to be fans" and then hating on them for growing up. They are men now. They cant be Disneys puppets forever. I care about JB a lot because they saved my life, and I follow them and support them through EVERYTHING. The fan base just needs a jolt; another kick back to it. I think when the tweeny fans leave, new fans will take their place.

    June 18th, 2009 at 09:44pm
  • I agree Devi. Thank you. But I tihnk the boys just need a jump start again. Give them time. Weve had faith in them for so long, and I dont see them going so easily. When they do, seperate things will keep them right here.
    June 18th, 2009 at 09:39pm
  • Well said.
    June 18th, 2009 at 05:11am
  • I completely agree with you.
    Just.. yeah. You really have said it all. Haha.
    I really don't get how some people thought Joe, Nick and Kevin would stay the same forever. They're human. They change. They're growing up.
    I know I've changed a lot the last few years, I'm definitely not the same person I was at 13, ya know?
    But anyways. Thanks for writing that, you rock! :)
    June 17th, 2009 at 01:36pm
  • I agree completely.
    As for their new album, it reminds me of their very first one. Their completely different but It's About Time had a rockier edge to it and Lines, Vines, and Trying Times has a mature edge to it. JB's growing up. We can't stop that and I think their perfectly okay the way they are.
    June 17th, 2009 at 07:12am
  • in my opinion i think we know them fairly well acrtually, i mean if you think about it, music is very personal thing. and they write all of their songs so of course we get to know them when we listen to their music. for example When you look me in the eyes and Helo beautifull, clearly both songs prove that one of the three brothers has a thing for girls eyes. this is a simple example but valid non the less. that and i think they keep a pretty open relationship with us as fans. they have really let us into their lives. sure we dont know EVERYTHING about them (even though we think we do) but we do know a significant amount. no this information does not come from blogs or magizines. it comes from their music and the words that come out of their mouths. i dont think they have gotten egos though, they seem pretty humble to me. haha joes joners. i love how people assume that because they have purity rings and are serious christains that dont get turned on. EVERYONE gets turned on, christian or not you do. difference is they dont have sex to deal with it. as far as the thing with taylor...i bet he was just in anther country or something. i dont now for sure but its my best guess. even so,when you date you make mistakes and learn from them. lke how joe learned no to breakup with somone over the phone. i also dont think they are losing fame......out of curiosity what made you think that?
    haha and loved all three albums :D
    June 17th, 2009 at 02:01am
  • i love their new album i think its brilliant because they are maturing more, and they show that through their music, i honestly dont think they are losing fans. Last night was intense, wembely stadium was sold out the floor was shaking from all the screams 1000s of people were there. It was one of the best expirences of my life. Im glad to see them slowly growing out of the disney lable because come on every fan knows they cant stay pure and disney like forever!
    Devi i totally agree with you,
    June 16th, 2009 at 10:02pm
  • I agree with you here Devi.
    People talk about them as if they know them, we all know nothing about them, well we get some information from the net, but who ever said it was true?
    Nice journal (y)
    June 16th, 2009 at 05:20am
  • 100% agreement, what? haha.
    You made like a zillion points, and i agree with all of them.
    And the whole losing fame thing, it's just because the "teenies" are moving onto the next big thing. ((IN MY OPINION :P))
    June 16th, 2009 at 02:59am
  • i agree.
    you couldn't have said it more perfectly, wifey.
    June 15th, 2009 at 09:40pm
  • i totally agree with you 100% on this devi. i mean like they're just teenagers. people can't really blame them for being them you know?
    haha and to add to christine's comment about nick's "intense-ness," he was just never smiley in the first place. he was even not smiley before miley. and people can't just be all like they should do this more or be more like blah blah blah blah blah and it goes on and on and on. we can't change them; they can only change for themselves. and as for the fanfiction thing, yes, we do all perceive them to be like knight and shining armors and stuff, but i think it's the fact that we all get these fantasies that a guy will sweep us off our feet (making it totally cliche), and they want this guy to be absolutely hott and cute and sexy and whatnot. and probably the fanfiction writer's vision of a "hott and cute and sexy and whatnot" kind of guy would be one of the jonas brothers. or something like that. but i think like stories can go both ways, no matter how you put it. like it can be original or fanfiction, all you have to do is just change the name :]
    and i like your punny title xD coolness for making this opinion / rant thingieemabobbers. x]
    June 15th, 2009 at 08:58pm
  • "They get turned on by girls, as we’ve clearly seen with Joe’s multiple joners. Ad they can be assholes" This made me laugh really hard.
    June 15th, 2009 at 08:34pm
    i agree with you 100%. you have said it aaalll.
    lmao. "I know that if a million guys were trying to get at me, I would thing I was the shit." hahahaha and for some reason i laughed at Nick and the whole smiling thing XD but it's truee. he's just really -- intense? haha.
    anyways, you rock for making this :D
    June 15th, 2009 at 08:33pm