• Beating.Heart.Baby.

    Beating.Heart.Baby. (150)

    United States
    To be honest...the most shocking part about this post is that you have autism. I did know know that. What exactly is it like? I'm just curious b/c I don't know that much about it. I have OCD, but alot of people (including doctors) can't tell it, so I hate it b/c no one notices and I'm worried that if it goes unchecked for too long...something might happen.

    Anyway...I don't want kids wither, mostly for vain reasons:selfishness, not wanting to give birth, not wanting to get pregnant (and go through all of that feet swelling, morning sickness, etc. stuff), not wanting to be a single parent OR a married one, not wanting the responsiblity, not wanting to deal with the grossness/drama.

    But in all honestly, I see parents all the time that don't like abuse their kids or anything, but are just extremely bad at parenting. I don't wanna be like them, I refuse to put my not yet existant kids through that. Plus, this world is getting worse everyday, so I don't want them to see all of this. I think they deserve much better than me.

    I think I could be a good parent just as much as I can be a bad one. Right now, it's undetermined which way I'll end up in that area. If I do change my mind and have some, I'll let them express themselves, and I'll teach them acceptance and what uniqueness is. I'm gonna have my kids listening to "clean rock" when their 5, and the other stuff at an older age. I swear, my kids would be so beautiful, and they'd get it honestly from their parents. I don't know...I don't want any, but I do...so I can contribute some individuals to our apathetic society.
    July 4th, 2009 at 05:34am

    HAIITHURR. (100)

    Uh. XDD I an barely babysit kids. Like yesterday, for example... My sister's friend got beat up by a three year old with a baseball bat. I was too busy laughing to stop it from happening.. XDD
    But most kids just scare me. =/
    June 19th, 2009 at 08:32pm
  • the apex predator;;

    the apex predator;; (150)

    United States
    *raises hand* Same here. I don't want kids because I can't do it, I can't be responsible enough. I raised my siblings and even that was hard, so I don't think I can do it with any of my own kids.

    I have autism too, but it's Asperger's Syndrome. I don't know what kind you have =/

    But mine is more high-functioning, I guess you could call it. People don't know I have it until I tell them. They just think it's a hyper, loud personality.

    Aaaaanyway...yup. I understand. I feel kind of selfish for not wanting kids, but I think it could be the best thing I could do for them. I don't want them to have a bad life, y'know? I don't want them to ever have to worry because I'm out somewhere doing something. So it's better, I guess. Because I don't have that kind of responsibility.
    June 19th, 2009 at 08:21pm