Never Would I Admit... - Comments

  • Sean Berry

    Sean Berry (150)

    United States
    i think writing this is a very good idea.
    at least you've said it, and that alone should get it off your chest you know?

    and you KNOW i love you no matter what, (that's just the way this whole 'wifey' thing works), so i'm glad you let me know this was here to read.

    -elizabeth (loves her wifey very very very much).
    August 22nd, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • Miss.Understanding

    Miss.Understanding (100)

    United States
    Ever consider maybe a journal, or something to keep your thoughts and feelings in order? Maybe listing three things a day that made you smile, or that you enjoyed just in general too? I guess things are thrown at us for a reason, and its just a matter to figuring out how to work through them?
    June 21st, 2009 at 01:58am
  • fallin dont catch me

    fallin dont catch me (100)

    United States
    i honestly dont have any advice for you =[ sorry. but maybe you wouldnt feel so bad if you didnt worry about things so much, but like you said, you have a problem with anxiety. maybe you can see a doctor about your anxiety, and hopefully get some pills, or something to prevent so much stress. I used to have anxiety attacks, i didnt see a doctor for it though, i just learned to let things... be. in other words, i became careless, usually thats not good, but in your case.... i think you deserve a nice long vacation. :)
    June 20th, 2009 at 11:46pm