Two Words to Describe Me. - Comments

  • aw, jimmy...i love you! >.< you know that you can always talk to me or bri about anything because we both love you. idk what it's like to be in the situation you're in, but i do know how hard life can be and i'm here to tell you that it's all worth it. it may not seem like it, but it is.

    so always remember that i love you and everything will be fine. maybe not today, or tomorrow, but some day it will be. and like SlippersInHandcuffs said, and, yes. leave it in His hands. it's all you can do.

    July 21st, 2009 at 05:56am
  • One day life will once again turn around,
    and the light will shine on you once more.

    Mikey Mayhem is right, sweetie.
    Life gets rough, but it always turns itself around.
    Always remember to breathe.
    June 27th, 2009 at 08:38am
  • Hunn, your right when you said life has its ups and downs
    Sometimes there may seem to be more downs then ups,
    but have faith. One day life will once again turn around,
    and the light will shine on you once more :]
    June 27th, 2009 at 08:26am
  • I know what you mean.
    Suicide was an option at one point for me.
    But, now, I wouldn't even fathom hurting myself.
    Hang in there.
    And, yes. Leave it in His hands. It's all you can do.
    Much love sweetie,
    Ryan <3
    June 27th, 2009 at 08:14am