should i wake up and smell the roses? or should i wake up and realize the roses died with my dreams - Comments

  • rose.pricked.lovers

    rose.pricked.lovers (100)

    United States
    okay first of all when people tell you look at the big picture, its bull shit! i might be wrong but look at this! seriously read what you it? good. seems like a lot doesn't? STOP LOOKING AT IT ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! prioritize, maybe you want to at least start fixing your $$$ issues before worrying about your mom and then you can worry about your sisters and then your bf, the only thing is, if you worry about your sisters don't do it too much because they are themselves, that means they're worrying about themselves and no big pity party is gonna help them, they have to do stuff themselves! so yeah, that was a lot of stuff and some of it might be wrong but it was my assesment of the situatuion
    July 8th, 2009 at 04:46am