Second Doubts about People to People. - Comments

  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Oh, and buy as much gellato as possible!
    July 9th, 2009 at 03:17am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    I went on the exact trip you did, and I started in Greece as well! Although, I was in the younger group so I didn't do the whole host family thing. I did, however, get to go off with an Italian family for a few hours. They were awesome.

    Your experience over there depends, really, on your group. If you have totally amazing leaders, your trip will be great. Unfortunately, my first trip didn't have great leaders. But my second did. Don't worry about the kids on the trip. They're really friendly, and I'm sure you'll find your own little niche to run around the cities with. Smiley

    Other things:
    1) Bring cards. They help pass the time and are good ice breakers.
    2) Make sure you carry water around with you. It gets hot in Italy. (Greece isn't too bad. Just windy (a balmy breeze) and subject to little rains. France is generally nice.) Plus, at the dinners, they like to give you bottles of both regular and fizzy water. The frizzy water isn't that great. Oh, and check the water labels before buying!
    3) Don't buy Fanta in Italy.
    4) Use the bathroom before the Vatican. They don't have toilet seats. Oh, and make sure you wear something other than a skirt. You'll be walking a lot. I know the requirements call for you to cover up, but please just wear khakis or something.
    5) Keep close to the delegation leader. The closer you are to her in the line going someplace, the easier it is to keep up. The further back you are, the more you'll be running.

    Hope this helps some. Have a great time!
    July 9th, 2009 at 03:16am