Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. A bit of a rant. - Comments

  • still waters;

    still waters; (100)

    United States
    I think that people who haven't read the books will be confused, but either way, I still think the movie was brilliant.
    I was very, very upset that they didn't add more to Dumbledore's death. (Even though, I was already bawling, so that may be a good thing for my sake)
    I was so angry that they didn't have Dumbledore's funeral. I was like about ready to yell at the screen because I had been waiting for that.
    Oh my god! They didn't even add the fight scene! What the hell? That was what I was looking forward to the most. D:
    And they didn't add House of Gaunt?! OI!
    I understand that they needed to cut parts, but, I mean, if they were going to leave out so much, they should've just made it into two films like they are doing for DH. I wouldn't mind. (;

    Althought, I thought that the Sectumsempra scene could've been loads better. I almost cried because I was so disappointed with that scene. D:

    Everyone was saying that they didn't like the Burning Burrow scene. Truthfully, I loved it! Even though it wasn't in the books, it still brought a chill and everything. But they could've cut it so they could fit the fight scene in, though. I would've preferred that.

    All in all, it was still a brilliant movie.
    August 12th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • moonyandpadfoot

    moonyandpadfoot (150)

    United States
    Aggh the book was SO much better!!! >:(
    They didn't even have a funeral for Dumbledore. I mean, wtf?!?!!?
    And setting fire to the Burrow? What the f*** was that?
    The movie made me mad...
    July 30th, 2009 at 06:30am
  • Benjamin Barker

    Benjamin Barker (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, I'm in love with Helena Bonham Carter too,
    she's an amazing actress
    I agree wih You, It was a let down (For I have not read the books either) Though it was still entertaining, You can't help but smile at poor Ron suffering Lavendar, can You?

    The only part i disagree with is when you say "I really hope this next one is so much better and not to dark. I understand they need to be to show the contrast but honestly I was squinting through most of the film. Also it wasn't really well explained for those who haven't read the books."
    I completely disagree with that :D
    July 30th, 2009 at 12:06am
  • El!zabeth-Rawr!

    El!zabeth-Rawr! (100)

    United States
    I thought it was a good movie but you're right about the action. In the end there was suppose to be a huge fight scene but they completely got rid of it for no reason. The thing with the burrow was cool but it wasn't in the book and they put it there because they said there wasn't enough action. I was like wtf then you should have had the fight scene that the whole book led up to. I was a little disappointed but (once again your right) what made it better was Tom Felton and Bellatrix.
    July 29th, 2009 at 11:50pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    The movies have been going downhill since Chris Columbus left. It's like they're just trying to crank em out really fast to make money, and to get the series over before the kids get to be in their thirties. I want to see HBP, but it's not that high on my list. I think I'll wait till it comes out on DVD. I don't think it's worth the seven dollar ticket and the 15 dollar popcorn and drink.
    July 29th, 2009 at 11:21pm