I Grew up in Australia in the 90's - Comments

  • Happy Harold!!!

    I could comment on most of these instead I'll just say it's an awesome list.
    August 8th, 2009 at 11:50pm
  • The ones i really miss are:
    Buying those 6 packs of Coco Pops, Fruit Loops, Frosties, Rice Bubbles, Nutri-Grain and Corn Flakes so you could have a different one each day and then opening the packets really carefully and removing the cereal so you'd have a mini wardrobe afterwards. You also most probably just let your parents eat the Corn Flakes.
    Crossing your heart, hoping to die, sticking a needle in your eye.
    SBS didn’t have any ads. Not that you ever watched it anyway, except maybe for soft core porn.
    Zoopa Doopa ice blocks were only 20c and if you couldn’t afford it, you asked the canteen lady to cut it in half so you could split it with a friend.
    Giving a friend a backage in the canteen line. If it was your best friend, you gave them a frontage.
    Collecting Yowie toys. Aussie wildlife was way cooler than any stupid Kinder Surprise toy.
    Begging your parents to go to McDonald’s for dinner.
    The Kids' Works at Pizza Hut with unlimited drink refills. You made an ice cream mountain covered in choc chips and marshmallows and could never finish it.
    No Hat, no play.
    Cheating in Heads Down, Thumbs Up.
    Healthy Harold day was the best because you got to miss class to sit in a tiny caravan and listen to a talking giraffe.
    The Ferals. Rattus, Modigliana, Derryn and Mixy were cool until they started that five minute piece of crap, Feral TV.
    Collecting hundreds of tickets from Timezone just so you could trade them for some crappy prize that you could have bought from Woolies for ten bucks.

    There are more things that i miss that aren't on this list. Like everyone had 3315's when they were old enough to get a mobile and they wore them around their necks. I really miss life back then...I miss Greg from the wiggles!!!
    August 8th, 2009 at 06:05pm
  • omg! i remember all of that! dollarmites 10 bucks a week:) supersoaker awesomness waterfights all day!!!! this is so cool!
    August 8th, 2009 at 05:19pm
  • Back in the day...

    A*mazing was probably the best game show EVER.
    This journal made me reminisce. I still am.
    August 8th, 2009 at 03:55pm
  • Funnily enough I remember the majority of those things lol
    heads down thumbs up, epic lol
    August 8th, 2009 at 03:20pm
  • Oh my God! This!

    I was going to start pointing out things that were especially true (like the Captain Planet thing, I used to drive my parents insane!), but then I realised there were too many to highlight.

    I miss the 90s and Australia...
    August 8th, 2009 at 03:08pm
  • A few of those things still happen but not so much anymre:(
    August 8th, 2009 at 02:46pm