It's been hard .... - Comments

  • batterycity

    batterycity (100)

    Aww...I'm very sorry for your loss.
    I've lost a lot of people in my life, including boyfriends. It's extremely hard for me to cope with losses, but I know I'm not alone. Try to understand that your boyfriend was the one that made the choice to break up and ignore you. Not you. I'm not much of an advice giver, but I know from other expieriences, that I'm a good listener. Please don't feel sad. I don't even know you, and I have such sympathy for you.

    It's something everyone goes through and there's always someone to vent to. You can vent to me, or anyone else. I don't mind any "rambling" or anything like that. I believe that you're a strong enough person to go through a broken relationship and you're strong enough to help yourself.

    I'm not the type of person that would comment saying "Get over it, you'll find another guy." I'll listen and try and help you as much as I can.

    Guys are guys, and they break our hearts, but they'll never take us alive. Don't let the past define who you are in the future. Once again, I am very sorry for your loss, and I can definatley relate. Please don't be afraid to talk.

    August 12th, 2009 at 09:27am
  • solovely;

    solovely; (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry.

    Um maybe the reason you kept waking up thinking he texted you or wrote you on msn was because he was ignoring you and you wanted him to talk to you.

    And now maybe you're having mood swings and haven't been sleeping well is because you still miss him and just recently broke up with him.

    I hope this helped.
    August 12th, 2009 at 09:23am