I've just had a pretty bad day. - Comments

  • gonsloog

    gonsloog (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    eaurgh I hate wasps. I got stung twice by wasps, Once in the middle of my hand and then a few years ago I was outside the odeon with my friend and this wasp landed on my arm and I didn't notice and put my arm by my side and it stung me. I was standing there going 'Oh crap crap crap what do I do' and my friend asked the first random woman walking past, 'My friend has just been stung by a wasp what should we do?' and this woman just so happened to have aloe vera in her purse and gave me some XD

    I'm sorry about your great Uncle. You don't need to cry at someone's funeral to show you are sorry for your loss though, and you don't need to know someone to cry at their death. My best friend's mum died and I went to her funeral to give her support and I cried buckets even though I didn't know this woman.
    August 14th, 2009 at 11:28pm