Piercing help? - Comments

  • Lulu Falconeri

    Lulu Falconeri (250)

    United States
    February 13th, 2010 at 12:18am
  • pineapril expresss

    pineapril expresss (100)

    United States
    Don't get alcohol in it or around it during healing time, it dries it out. ^ ^ Rinse with mouthwash. Ha.
    September 7th, 2009 at 10:06pm
  • Isn't That Kinky?

    Isn't That Kinky? (160)

    United States
    Thank you to all of you!!!
    You guys helped a lot.
    August 21st, 2009 at 04:53pm
  • hormones.

    hormones. (100)

    United States
    As people have said, it usually depends on the person. But, from personal experience, I had my monroe done (people have told me that the tissue they pierce through is the same with both lip and monroe piercings) and it wasn't too bad. It just sort of felt like a pinch and then it was over with. And again, depends on the person, but I bled a lot, so if you do get it done and it does happen to bleed a lot, you should know that it doesn't automatically mean your piercer screwed up.

    Your lip will probably swell a lot too, and it might feel awkward to talk and eat for a few days, but after that you should be fine. Just make sure to rinse your mouth with Listerine or Scope after you eat, and it's best not to smoke (not sure if you do or not but meh) while it's in the healing process. And, y'know, if they offer you something to clean it with (Xpressions and H2Ocean are the most common sprays, I think) it's better to get those instead of just swishing salt water because they're an anti-germicidal solution, which helps prevent infection. And whatever you do, try not to touch it with dirty hands and don't put any type of makeup around the hole.

    Sorry for ranting on for so long "/ But, hope that I helped.
    August 20th, 2009 at 09:49pm
  • Jinxeh

    Jinxeh (805)

    United States
    It depends on the person, really. Everyone has a different pain threshold. I had snakebites when I was far younger, and they hurt like a bitch to have done, yet many of my friends told me, "Oh, yeah, when I had mine done it didn't hurt at all."

    Likewise, I had so many people tell me, "Oh my god, when I had my septum pierced, it hurt so much! And when you wake up the next morning, it's going to feel like you got punched in the face. Fair warning." Yet when I had my septum pierced, I barely felt a pinch, and it felt absolutely fine the next day. I have friends tell me that they hate stretching their ears up to new sizes, because it hurts to much. (Which it's not supposed to, regardless; if it does, you're doing it WRONG) but although there's sometimes some minor discomfort when I stretch up, it's otherwise a painless process. It's different for everyone.

    I mean, you're going to have a bit of metal shoved through your lip. You have to understand, it's probably going to hurt, regardless. It's just up to you and your level of pain tolerance to decide how much it will.
    August 20th, 2009 at 09:23pm
  • Sick Boy.

    Sick Boy. (100)

    United States
    I wanted my lip done for years, but because I play so many instruments, it wasn't practical for me to have it done in the end (imagine playing a trumpet with one in... didn't sound appealing). So, I had a monroe done instead so it would be a little more out of the way.
    I'll tell you the advice NO ONE gave me, but is really important. DON'T CHANGE YOUR BAR UNTIL YOU'VE TALKED TO THE PIERCER. I figured as soon as the swelling was down, and the area healed, I'd be fine. However, if you put in a bar thats too short, the skin inside your mouth begins to grow over it, creating this horrible feeling flap over the flat back. It will go away if you put a longer bar in, but the whole experience is kind of traumatic! haha
    I think you should get it done :] you only live once!
    August 20th, 2009 at 08:14pm
  • dead!insomniaque

    dead!insomniaque (100)

    United States
    When you go to get the piercing, try to eat beforehand so you don't pass out. (this sounds weird, but I know of some people that has happened to.) When you get it done, it will feel like a pop through your skin, and after wards it's good to swish salt water around in your mouth a few times a day. Try not to fiddle with it too much so that it won't get irritated, and the healing process lasts two to three weeks if it doesn't get infected.
    August 20th, 2009 at 08:07pm
  • roe.

    roe. (100)

    United States
    I don't have any advice, but good luck with the piercing. I'm thinking of getting one in January, when I turn eighteen. (:
    August 20th, 2009 at 06:55pm
  • Jessie in Calalini

    Jessie in Calalini (300)

    I have the right side of my lip pierced. For me personally, it didn't hurt that bad when he first pierced it. It just gets warm around the area because the blood is rushing to it. I didn't bleed, most of the time you wont bleed and if you do it shouldn't be much. About a week later, it started the whole healing process. Despite me cleaning it three times daily like it said, it still became infected and very, very painful.
    That lasted about two weeks and then it got crusty and then it healed. And now it's fine. =)
    Good luck with it!
    August 20th, 2009 at 06:46pm
  • conk

    conk (100)

    I Had My Lip Done For About Six Months. You'll Want To Go To A Really Good Place, I Went To A Dodgy Place Because It Was Cheaper. You Really Need To Look After It. Salt Water On A Cotton Wad Is Really Good. It's A Relatively Painful Piercing, But Not Terrible. For Example, It Might Not Be As Painful Initially As A Nose Piercing, But Because It's On Your Mouth And You Will Hit It. I Reccommend A Clear Bandaid Over It For The First Couple Of Days. Mine Healed Up Fully In Under Two Months, But It's Worth Telling You That Every Person Is Different. Scarring Is Minimal. I Had To Take Mine Out And My Scarring Is Barely Visible Even After Three Months. I Think You Should Get It Done. It's Worth It. I Hope I've Helped :)
    August 20th, 2009 at 06:39pm