My Skin Hates Me! - Comments

  • AnonymousSoul

    AnonymousSoul (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    One of the best things I ever did to resolve dry skin and spots was buy a childs soft toothbrush.
    Now everytime you cleanse you face use the brush rather than your fingers to lightly exfoliate the skin, rather than using your oily fingers. After doing this use a toner on cotton wool to bring off all the cleanser then moisturise with a light moisturiser or maybe a moistriser with tea tree.

    It doesnt compleatly iradicate acne but it has gotton rid of all of my black heads and I am now down to about 1 or two spots a week and even then they are only small white heads.

    Any more tips jsut message me. It took me ages to find a good regime
    August 22nd, 2009 at 06:29pm
  • Call.Me.Ella.

    Call.Me.Ella. (100)

    United States
    I use one of three things...
    Clean & Clear's Persa-Gel 10 or
    Natural honey (not the kind in the little bear from the store, that can make it worse, but like... farmer's market honey or whatever) or
    A salt and water solution... I usually just wash my hands, put a bit of salt on them, take a water spray bottle and dampen the salt, and rub it onto my face. Sometimes it stings a tiny bit, but otherwise, I've found it to work quite well.
    Good luck!
    August 22nd, 2009 at 06:07pm
  • Fly Birdy Fly

    Fly Birdy Fly (100)

    United States
    First, I know you're panicking, but can you please use correct grammar? (Ex. I no people have much worse skin than me...)... sorry, it just irked me.

    Second, why even worry about it? I mean, first off, my skin sucks. And what makes it worse is that I hate makeup, so I never try to cover any zits or blemishes I have. Usually I'd just pop the zit and move on with my life. And if not, I'd just pretend it wasn't even there.

    Third, if you've tried everything, and your skin still hasn't cleared up, maybe you should go see a dermatologist. I mean, they'll give you something, for sure. It may take a few weeks before it starts working, but whatever; as long as the skin clears up, it shouldn't matter, should it?

    But I know how you feel. We've all been there at one point of time.
    August 22nd, 2009 at 05:49pm