Last Day of Summer. Whoa! Where did it go? - Comments

  • Ah, well, at least u started school in the middle of august. My school started august 6. the rest of my district started july 28.
    However, i get a month off for winter vaca.. ;D
    I totally know how u feel about not going anywhere! The only time i went somewhere was to this posh hotel in the beginning of summer next to the ocean... only because we had a free coupon!! so embarrassing.. TT 3 TT
    i didnt buy school supplies because we have a lot left over from last year... and i made clothes instead of buying them, buy altering old clothes and using old fabric. it's actually really fun. ;DD i also hogged the thrift store all day... and i spent almost everyday at the library, reading manga..
    im cheap and proud of it.. ;DD
    August 23rd, 2009 at 08:49am
  • Oooh, I know how you feel.
    My summer when by fast and it wasn't that great.

    And I didn't have any money to buy any school clothes either..
    I only got 2 new shirts...
    August 23rd, 2009 at 04:52am