My computer is my best friend. - Comments

  • Miss Jasey Rae

    Miss Jasey Rae (100)

    United States
    hmmph~ i thought I was your best friend :)
    August 30th, 2009 at 07:15pm
  • Etnies

    Etnies (100)

    United States
    I just got a computer in my bedroom too. And my mom gave me her old laptop. It's great, except for the fact that I CAN'T GET OFF ANYTHING AT NIGHT. Oh, and it doesn't help that I have an f-ing ipod that can connect to the internet. Three devices that can connect to the internet, all in my room. And I'm wondering why I haven't been able to sleep this summer...

    No, it's not just those things. I haven't been able to sleep due to stress, like you.

    Last year I was a freshman, and during the first semester I had a lot of classes that didn't have any of my friends in them. I definitely was not used to this - In middle school I'd always known at least one person in each class. I thought it would be horrible, but it really wasn't so bad. I was scared when we would have to find a partner for something, or I'd feel insecure when we'd be standing outside of the classroom waiting for the teacher to come and I wouldn't have anyone to talk to at first. But I think you know what you have to do - just reach out to people.

    Anyways, I'm really struggling with step three of your priorities right now. I recently realized that I care too much about what people think, and that it's been holding me back. So I've started doing things that make me so uncomfortable. It's been really hard, but it's actually helping me get over things.

    Sorry for the long comment. It's late. :(
    August 24th, 2009 at 08:11am