Advice for blood work? - Comments

  • forbbidenfruite

    forbbidenfruite (100)

    United States
    You dont have to do anything special. I have 8 tubes in one sitting and didnt have to do anything special. But make sure you eat after wards.
    August 24th, 2009 at 02:48pm
  • Orien;

    Orien; (100)

    United States
    I've always been told to not eat anything after midnight the night before. Take something to eat after the bloods taken though, because you'll be a bit woozy. What exactly is it for? Because sometimes you have to fast if you're being tested for things like daibetes and blood sugar. It all depends. But really it's not too bad.
    August 24th, 2009 at 11:28am
  • devil's trap

    devil's trap (150)

    United States
    Are they just taking blood from you?

    I've had blood taken three times in the past year, one for donation and twice for tests. Both times, I just kind of...went. They actually encouraged eating, to keep the sugar levels up. Things like fruits, starches, sweets. Nothing alcoholic or the like.

    Unless your doctor told you to fast? They encourage eating/drinking because you can get light headed when they take the blood, and you need something to keep you focused. At the Red Cross donations, they go around with sodas and foods (for me, it was pizza) and have someone like, shovel it into you. XD

    Don't go on an empty stomach, but don't overdo it either. What time is your appointment? If it's early, just eat breakfast. Cereal or something. If it's in the afternoon, soup or something. Keep a drink with you that has sugar in it.

    If your appointment isn't until alter in the day, try calling your doctor and asking /him/. Or her. I'm sure it'd be more reassuring. (
    August 24th, 2009 at 11:06am