Want to know something gross? - Comments

  • My first car was destroyed.

    Long story short: I just got my American license, but the man who gave it to me, I swear, was high. Or just an idiot, because I can't drive for shit - Aussie's drive on the left side of the road, unlike American's. I'm not used to that! So, yeah... I got in a car accident. Bye-bye, first car. <|3

    It was a BMW, too. Damn expensive, yeah? Black mini cooper, my favorite car.
    August 31st, 2009 at 05:51am
  • My first vehicle was a truck. I can't really complain; it was my brother's, and he rebuilt the transmission and everything so it never really cost me anything. Except a lot of gas. I had it a year and only washed it once lol. My friends used to 'decorate' it with posters and pamphlets and stuff from the lost and found when they had a spare class and I didn't. That kind of sucked sometimes.
    August 31st, 2009 at 05:31am
  • ...Whoa.
    And...Well...I haven't had any experiences besides my Dad had a flat tire and we parked in a Burger King parking lot - and it was raining - and there he had to fix it and i had to call my Mom, my uncle, 'cause we didn't know what to do...anyway, he got it fixed enough to go home and well....that was great. exciting, though, than my regular boring life. =,=
    August 31st, 2009 at 05:14am

    Grossest thing to find anywhere indoors.
    August 31st, 2009 at 05:12am
  • Um, I never really had a first car, but the first car I drove, I wrecked into the town hall office.
    August 31st, 2009 at 04:36am