I've got the questions, you answer. - Comments

  • Does anyone know why Girls Gone Wild comes on at midnight and plays repeatily on comedy central?
    I really don't know sorry

    Why do girls make out with other girls to turn guys on, when they could just flash them?
    Maybe because the want pleasure to..? Bleh! I don't know

    Why does the term prude have to be pointed at people who don't screw on a daily basis?
    I don't know yet again sorry

    Why do guys go on chat rooms and say their horny, when they know perfectly well that you live half way across the country and provocitive words won't do the trick?
    Maybe some people get off on that. I say because they are idiots.

    Why do teachers wear backpacks? They're not the ones going to school.
    I've never seen a teacher with a backpack, only my drama teacher

    What makes everyone think that if you wear darker more rocker styled clothes make you emo?
    I wear dark clothes and I don't think I'm emo

    Why do people pay money for expensive cheeply made clothes named after a douchbag?
    Because they wanna I guess

    What gives people the idea it's okay to text you at 7 am on a saturday?
    I don't know

    When did being bi become popular?
    I'm bi and I could care less how popular it is.

    Are high school parties that fun?
    Never been I'm in middle school

    Why do people perfer the new crap horror movies like sorority row & megans body over return of the living dead and psycho?
    Because they're dumb.

    What is so great about twilight? I dracula wasn't a monotoned moron who spoke the most cheesiest lines in history.
    I liked twilight but I did not like the movie. The book was fine.

    If I sounded rude in any of this answer please forgive me, I was not trying to
    September 15th, 2009 at 07:01am
  • 1) It comes on because I'm guessing it's one of Comedy Central's sponsors, but because kids watch the channel during the day, they think that the kids go to sleep by then and won't see the girls flashing their boobs all over the screen.

    2) Because kissing a girl is a lot less disturbing for everyone around? Haha, I dunno.

    3) Because everyone else thinks in order to be a 'cool' person, you have to screw around on an hourly basis.

    4) Because believe it or not, some guys actually DO get off to that. >_<

    5) I've only seen one teacher wear a backpack, and it was because he would carry the homework to be graded and the day's lessons to and from school to his house. It's a lot easier than toting a desk around, y'know. Haha.

    6) I've wondered when gothic and emo became synonyms for the same thing...I've yet to find my answer either. Two years ago people who listened to rock/metal and wore band tshirts and black nail polish were 'gothic'...now they're 'emo' or 'scene'. I have yet to figure out the connection.

    7) I have two Vengeance University (named after Zacky Vengeance of Avenged Sevenfold, who is not a 'douchebag' in the least) because I love the designs, and I'm supporting him.

    8) Haha, good question.

    9) I think becoming bi and homosexual became cool when Frank Iero wore the infamous 'Homophobia is gay' shirt. I have nothing against anyone who is actually bi or homosexual, I just wish people would stop saying they are simply for the 'cool' factor.

    10) I never went to a high school party, so I couldn't tell ya.

    11) I don't like horror movies at all, really. Though, if I have to choose a few, American Psycho, The Ring, and The Haunting are good ones.

    12) I really like Twilight, actually. It's one of the few books (period, let alone the whole series) that I've actually read in its entirety and enjoyed. I will agree, though, that it's getting a little ridiculous seeing it everywhere. And, the book...SO much better than the movie. Hands down.
    September 15th, 2009 at 02:35am
  • Are high school parties that fun?
    Why yes, the are. Me and all my friends always have quite a time :)

    Why do teachers wear backpacks? They're not the ones going to school.
    Maybe it's because they have to lug all the new homework they've assigned to us poor students to and from their house, because they're too stupid to realize that the more homework they give, the more grading they have to do so really they make more work for themselves...
    Just saying lol
    September 15th, 2009 at 01:36am
  • Why do guys go on chat rooms and say their horny, when they know perfectly well that you live half way across the country and provocitive words won't do the trick?
    Probably because they want nude pictures. I dunno.
    September 15th, 2009 at 01:32am
  • 1. I don't know.

    2. I don't know.

    3. I don't know.

    4. Because they're idiots.

    5. My teachers don't wear backpacks.

    6. Emo doesn't exist.

    7. I pay for clothes made from Davey Havok. There's your answer.

    8. Lol, I don't know.

    9. Because people want to "fit it". -_- I'm gay. :P

    10. I've never been to one, and I don't plan on it.

    11. I don't know.

    12. I don't know. Honestly, I think Twilight is one of the most poorly written books ever created.
    September 15th, 2009 at 01:28am