Sibling rivalry: why is it okay? - Comments

  • I don't even talk to my brother.

    We got along when we were younger but then... I dunno what happened. We just don't talk anymore.

    But I think sibling rivalry is more of a... when does it stop being ok. Because it happens all the time, it's more of a case of when does it stop being sibling rivalry and start becoming bullying, you know? But I also think there's an underlying thought of 'oh they're siblings, deep down they do love each other, they'll sort it out'.

    Yeah, this comment was useless.
    September 17th, 2009 at 12:34am
  • If you can learn to handle dealing with your older siblings, then that'll help you gain some conflict resolution skills as you get older. I was the younger sibling, my sister being three years older than me, and there was a period when we fought constantly, but that definitely help me learn to stand-up for and defend myself.

    Parents usually don't get involve in sibling fighting because (1) it'll help the kids learn to resolve their own problems and (2) they don't want to get involved and risk creating a "favorite child" issue.

    Besides, it's siblings. Chances are the fighting is going to be brutal but not to the point when any real damage is done (because as much as kids fight they usually do love their brother/sister) and its better for kids to tough it out. You know, if prepares you for life. Life's tough but you can't expect your parents to step in and fight your battles for you, can you?
    September 16th, 2009 at 11:18pm
  • My sister and I fight like crazy. It's more like pyschological warfare, though.

    I think the rivalry comes from the constant comparison between siblings. I look nothing like my sister nor do I act like her, but I've always felt like I have to live up to or surpass her accomplishments. Just to distance myself further, I suppose.
    September 16th, 2009 at 11:17pm
  • Yeh my parents/grandparents do the same with us. They'll mostly yell at me and I knock the wind out of the other. But i don't bully my siblings..they annoy me when I'm not even doing anything then i annoy them back.

    it's life.
    September 16th, 2009 at 10:11pm
  • My brother and I fight, but not as much as we use to do it..
    He's 11 and I'm 19.
    He's about an inch taller than me...I think he would win if we ever got into a real fight.
    September 16th, 2009 at 10:05pm