Between Pot And Friends - Comments

  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    You can also overdose on the MJ, if you become an addict.
    It isn't good for your body. When you smoke anything, it tacks up your lungs. And when that happens, it's harder to breath, and you aren't in good shape. And if you ever have to run for your life, you might keel over from heavy breathing first.

    I know a lot of people who have tried and who still do pot, and it's sad. I can't understand it. It is possibly the least harmful "drug", but if you're caught under the influence, you still get in serious trouble since it's illegal. A few people tried to pressure me into doing it, and they hadn't had great lives leading after they started smoking. I didn't want to be a loser (not that everyone who smokes pot is a loser).

    Think seriously about it before trying it. You shouldn't have to turn to drugs.
    September 19th, 2009 at 03:26am
  • sonogiovane

    sonogiovane (100)

    United States
    Here are some random facts you should know before you try marijuana:
    The vast majority of teens don't use it
    It can lead to paranoia and suicidal thoughts and can put you at risk for mental health problems
    It can be more harmful than tobacco. It can cause a variety of problems including cancer
    It can interfere with your learning and hurt your grades
    More teens end up in rehab for marijuana addiction than any other drug combined
    I can go on to say how the use of marijuana by a family member has affected me a lot but I don't feel like typing it all but put it simply thanks to his poor choices and use of marijuana (and eventually other drugs) I know longer have a father. He chose to do drugs than take care of his kids.
    September 18th, 2009 at 09:00pm
  • explodenamerda

    explodenamerda (100)

    well, actually, pot is not that bad as people say, but the thing is that you always start with pot and then go to heavier things, and that's the problem... but anyway, i think your boyfriend is overreacting a little to much too, and you should talk to him and say that if this is YOUR decision then he cant do much about that, but maybe he's acting like that cause he may see that you are being a little pressed by your friends to do this... nha, i dont know.
    all i can say is that you must do what you really want, and not follow the fad, and for sure you have to ponder your acts .-.
    September 18th, 2009 at 08:02pm
  • Two Dollar Bill

    Two Dollar Bill (105)

    United States
    Now... having tried pot myself, I can honestly say it isn't this horrible thing that people make it out to be, but it just didn't... appeal to me. I did it once... didn't like it, but everyone said if you did it a few more times, it was more fun.

    So I did. Every time I didn't like it. It just... never grew on me. It made me feel nauseous, and that's an unpleasant feeling. But... whatever. Trying it just made me see that it wasn't as good as it's cracked up to be, and at least I have the experience of knowing.

    I do think your boyfriend is overreacting a bit. He's allowed to have his feelings on it, but if it were something you were curious about, and chose to try... I don't think he should break off his relationship with you over it. It's a part of growing up, learning, experimenting, and trying new things. It doesn't make you a bad person, or... make you any different of a person.

    But what can you do? You can't change the way someone feels. I find it a bit weird, but hey. If you guys have an awesome relationship, and you don't want to risk it for pot- good for you. I just feel like you should be able to have that experimentation if you wanted to without having to worry, but that's just me.

    Not saying you should or shouldn't do it. Just giving you my two cents.
    September 18th, 2009 at 04:49pm