Dear Dad. (A Letter Never-To-Be Sent) - Comments

  • But aren't you female? So how are you gay? Unless you're a guy...Sorry, none fo my business. I think it's great that you wrote all of your feelings towards you dad in this letter, even if he will never read it. It's better than keeping it bottled up. And I think your dad sux. Sorry, but it's true. I hope you find someone or have someone who you can trust cuz the somewhat same kind of thing has happened to my friend. His dad is pretty...awful (and doesn't know that he's gay either). Don't let it get you down though. (I know sucky advice, but these kinds of people will always be around and we have to do our best to get on with our lives even if it feels like they're ruining it.) And please don't cut your arms or take painkiller or smoke or anything like thut (drug, alcohol etc.,). My friend did the same thing and it broke my heart. He has me, so I hope you find someone to "lean on." ...Wow...this comment is cheesy...
    September 24th, 2009 at 11:47pm
  • maybe he notices and solves it by drinking so he can look at you through the glaze and petend not to see.
    i have no idea, but from my experience it could be why.
    September 24th, 2009 at 11:46pm
  • Aww :/ that was sad to read..
    Until it gone to the end, then I was in stitches! :P

    Good luck, hope everything works out for you.x
    September 24th, 2009 at 11:43pm