Survey Time! [very personal] - Comments

  • 1.Why do you write?
    Fantazise :)

    2.Have you ever watched porn?
    Uhh, you know it's yes ><...
    no? :D

    3.Are you male or female?

    4.Are you sure?
    You think I'm male though ><

    5. What is the most awkward moment you have ever been in?
    Fartypants incident :)

    6.What’s your favourite and least favourite thing about this site?
    Cliche thingys - yuck
    YOUU - yay

    7.Which is more important – friends or family?
    uh, Family :D
    but you're my twin so that counts

    8.What is your opinion on cousincest (cousinxcousin)?
    You're asking ME that? :P

    9.What is the longest time you’ve “like-liked” someone?
    Hm... not

    10.Do you masturbate? How often?
    Depends! I tell you when i do!

    11.What’s the worst thing you’ve had to do on a dare?
    RAPE!! RPAE! with Leon

    12.When was the last time you cried? Why?
    When me and Will had an argy bargey :D
    September 25th, 2009 at 09:17am
  • 1. So reality doesn't destory me and because I actually like to control things.

    2. No.

    3. Female.

    4. Pretty sure.

    5. I've been in a lot...

    6. Favorite: Good stories, people. Least favorite: bad stories.

    7. Family

    8. Incest.

    9. I don't even know.

    10. No, not really.

    11. I have a tendancy to stay away from dares.

    12. A few days ago. It's complicated.
    September 25th, 2009 at 07:56am
  • 1. I enjoy it and I calms me down :)

    2. Watched no, looked at (accidentally actually) yes.

    3. Female

    4. Pretty sure.

    5. Hmmm, probably when my ex-boyfriend told me he liked my best friend, his cousin.

    6.Favourite - The quality writing and nice people, forums ?; Least Favourite - Unoriginal stories & too much of the same fanfics. People who get really angry really quickly or think they're better then everyone.

    7. Well both. I probably like my friends more haha but they're both important.

    8. First/ Second cousins - No never, ew. Hardly related - no problems.

    9. Um, 2 years

    10. Not really.

    11. Dunno.

    12. Thankfully it's been a while : )
    I can't remember actually.
    September 25th, 2009 at 07:05am
  • 1. Because it gets my feelings out

    2. Yes

    3. Female

    4. *checks* yep

    5. Um.. when my friend asked me to give him head.

    6. I like the games on the message board. Least favourite would be all the weirdos

    7. Friends

    8. Depends on whether it's your first or second cousins

    9. Two years, and I don't "like" him. I love him.

    10. Yep. A lot.

    11. I don't know

    12. Yesterday because my parents were fighting.
    September 25th, 2009 at 06:49am
  • 1. So I wouldn't get bored. x]
    2. Yes. Haha.
    3. Female.
    4. Positive.
    5. Too many to just pick.
    6. Favorite: This whole place can get interesting.
    Least: Stories with the same plot.
    7. Family.
    8. Incest is incest.
    9. 2 years.
    10. Nope.
    11. A lot.
    12. Last week. Reason not remembered :P
    September 25th, 2009 at 06:48am
  • :D

    1. It keeps me sane.

    2. Yes.

    3. Male.

    4. No.

    5. When I was in the same room with my friend and he started talking about boners

    6. Favorite: Nice people; Least favorite: immature people

    7. Friends because my family is homophobic and they don't accept me.

    8. Incest is more than just cousinxcousin.

    9. Six years.

    10. ....Yes? More than I should...?

    11. You don't want to know.

    12. Last night. Friend troubles :(
    September 25th, 2009 at 06:39am