Quick, Mibba! Answer the questions! - Comments

  • 1) How many active stories do you have?

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it?
    ...Whenever I feel the motivation to write, I do it.

    3) How often do you update?
    Once every few months, because I suck and I procrastinate a TON.

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter?
    I don't believe in demanding comments. And, usually between 5 and 10.

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have?
    I've never posted ten chapters of a story on here.

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction?

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    I cannot write fanfiction. I cannot do it. That should answer your question.

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write?
    My personal friends do not, simply because I don't believe in asking people to read it. It's their choice, and I don't want to ask them and have them hate it. But yes, they write.

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero?
    I cannot read slash. So, het.

    10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts?
    They're unoriginal and don't tell me anything about the story. I like layouts that tell me about the story.

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how?
    I go to the story section and search keywords.

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story?
    Very little to none. I hate grammar errors. I'm a grammar freak. For example, I will not read a story if it has even a few (not a lot, just a few) homophone mistakes (there, their, and they're)

    13) Do you participate in writing contests?
    I have once. It was my very first contest ever and I won first place. :) Now I'm scared to ever do it again because I won't be able to beat that. XD

    14) Do you visit the forums?
    All the time.

    15) Do read the news articles?
    Not usually.

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story?
    The quality of writing. The layout (if I can't read it, I'm not going to read it :P).

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books?
    I read both, actually. I have about 50 active subscriptions, and I usually have two books going as well.
    However, I also feel like lots of people on here have the skill to be published authors, so sometimes I imagine them as books.
    October 15th, 2009 at 03:01am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have? One.

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it? No, I just update whenever I can, which isn't too often. :L

    3) How often do you update? It's very varied. Sometimes it can take months.

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter? One or two. Or none.

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have? I've never posted more than ten chapters, ahaha.

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction? Both, though I've been getting more into original fiction lately.

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction? I only post fan-fiction at the moment. Writing original is more fun though, it gives you more freedom to write whatever you want.

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write?
    No, and no. :L

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero?
    Eh, it depends on the pairing.

    10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts?
    When the 'Fantasy' font is used. Completely unreadable.

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how? I browse the story section, search tags, check out the 'pimping and reccing' thread on the forums and see if any of my favourite authors have any new stories up.

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story? I'm fairly tolerable about certain grammar, as I'm not the best at it myself. But lots of spelling and simple grammar mistakes would be when I stop reading.

    13) Do you participate in writing contests?
    When I have the time. I entered two in the summer holidays.

    14) Do you visit the forums?

    15) Do read the news articles?

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story?
    If it has an interesting summary/first chapter.

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books?
    I read both books and stories on here. But you can't get fan-ficion in published books, so yeah that's the main reason why I read stuff on here.
    October 7th, 2009 at 07:45pm
  • 1. Two that I update often, three that are on hiatus.
    2. No, I just update whatever one I feel like at any given time.
    3. As often as I can.
    4. Not many. With my most active story I get four or five though. That's pretty awesome for me.
    5. Three? I don't really know to be honest.
    6. Both
    7. I go back and forth. But lately fan fiction.
    8. I really only ever told one friend that I have an account. She reads my stories, but she doesn't really write much.
    9. Hetero
    10. When the color of the layout and the color of the type are too similar and you have to highlight the whole thing in order to read it.
    11. Going to the story section and either searching for keywords or filtering by genre.
    12. Depends on my mood. Most days I can make it through and appreciate whatever finer points are there, but some days I just can't take it.
    13. Nope.
    14. Rarely.
    15. If the titles grab my interest, then yes.
    16. The subject it deals with and the quality of the writing.
    17. I read a lot of books, but sometimes I'm just looking for a good short story. Plus, stories on here last longer than reading a book because you've got to wait for the writer to update.
    October 7th, 2009 at 06:49am
  • 1) Zero right now.

    2) Uh... nope.

    3) Well, never at the moment. But when I do have a story I try and update at the very least once a week.

    4) Depends on the story.

    5) .

    6) It really depends on my mood. But I find it's easier to find the sort of fanfics I want to read than the original fics I want to read.

    7) Both.

    8) Some of my friends write yes, but don't know about this site.

    9) Het. There are two slash shippings that I occasionally read, but not on Mibba.

    10) Clashing colours and really busy backgrounds.

    11) Search function.

    12) It's more so if there's an obvious difference between a few accidental mistakes vs. complete disregard for spelling etc. it's normally easy to tell apart.

    13) No.

    14) Rarely.

    15) If they are an interesting topic (as in if I see one more article about abortion or religion I just might shoot something)

    16) If I really really really want to know what's going to happen. Sometimes I get up to the last written chapter and realise I don't care either way what happens. I don't subscribe very often.

    17) I read books as well. But as for why I read stories on here, some of them are interesting, some of them are a fun escape from reality... yeah, there are various reasons, but that's it sort of. Oh... and... they're sometimes shorter than books.
    October 7th, 2009 at 04:20am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have? 1, but updates are scarce.

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it? No.

    3) How often do you update? Ah, it depends. Not very often, sadly.

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter? 3-ish. More or less.

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have? I don't remember when it got 10 stars. I'll say it had about 8 or 9 around chapter 10.

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction? Fanfiction. There have been a few original fictions I've liked as well.

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction? Fanfiction.

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write? My sister writes my story with me. She logs on here sometimes to check it out, but this is my account.

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero? Slash. I don't hate Hetero, I just can't stay interested when reading it though.

    10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts? Sucky layouts, when the words go off the story area and into the background, too big of a font.

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how? I got to the search button and choose the 'story tags' option and type in whatever I'm looking for.

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story? It's okay if a few words are misspelled and there are a few grammar mistakes per chapter. But if I'm actually having trouble understanding it, then that's pretty bad.

    13) Do you participate in writing contests? I would like to. But I've held one before.

    14) Do you visit the forums? Yep. Hardly ever post though, just lurk.

    15) Do read the news articles? If I'm interested in the title. But I don't ever directly go there. If I see something interesting when I go to Mibba, on the front page, I'll read it.

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story? If it's really good and I don't want to forget about it.

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books? I read books too. But fanfiction is fun to read.
    October 7th, 2009 at 04:12am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have?
    -one at the moment.

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it?
    -Nope, it’s pretty much whatever story I have an update for at the time.

    3) How often do you update?
    -Not as often as I use to because I’m never home.

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter?
    -It really depends. I usually have about the same people commenting.....

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have?
    -I’m not sure...

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    -Fan fiction.

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    -fan fiction.

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write?
    -They don’t read mine anymore. They use to write, but they all lost interest.

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero?

    10) What's your biggest pet peeve in custom layouts?
    -Having pictures in the background where you can’t read the text.

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how?
    -Um, usually just by the story section.

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story?
    -Well, as long as it isn’t too horrible, it’s fine. I mean, I’m not all that great at grammar either, but I’m pretty good at spelling. I think spelling errors jump out at me more than the grammar does.

    13) Do you participate in writing contests?

    14) Do you visit the forums?
    -Yes, I do.

    15) Do read the news articles?
    Not Usually.

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story?
    -It has to suck me into the story. I have to be like, “Oh my God, this story is amazing. Subscribes!”

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books?
    -I love reading fan fics, but I do read a lot of books too.
    October 7th, 2009 at 04:09am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have?
    Two for sure, but I have two others that are very slowly active. So slow they could pretty much be considered put on pause.

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it?
    Not really. I mostly just post what ever updates I have for each story.

    3) How often do you update?
    Sometimes once every one or two weeks, sometimes only once a month. Depends on the story and how much inspiration I have for writing updates.

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter?
    One. ):

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have?
    Two, I think. Not many of my stories have reached ten chapters though.

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    Original Fiction.

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    Original Fiction.

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write?
    Only three of my real life friends have accounts but they don't read my stories. Only one friend really writes on here.

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero?
    Hetero. (:

    10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts?
    Layouts with bright fonts that I can't read, and the fonts themselves. If they are large, bulky, and/or kind of hard to read, I don't like them.

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how?
    Stalking people. (:

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story?
    A lot, actually. As long as it isn't every second word than I can read it.

    13) Do you participate in writing contests?
    Sometimes. So far I've only entered two. I'm rather picky when it comes to contests because I want to know I'd be able to write something for it, and not just enter and never give them the entry.

    14) Do you visit the forums?
    Sometimes. Very rarely though.

    15) Do read the news articles?
    If the subject and title catches my eye, yes.

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story?
    Good writing, interesting plots, unique ideas, pretty layouts and cliff hangers that are so intense it feels like I need to know what happens next.

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books?
    Normally the stories here are shorter, and it's easier and cheaper. Not to mention I can offer my views on writer's stories, and hopefully make their day.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:44am
  • 1) 1 or 2. I mainly write oneshots.

    2) No.

    3) Whenever I get around to it.

    4) 3-4.

    5) N/A.

    6) Fanfiction.

    7) Fanfiction.

    8) Almost all of my friends are through Mibba and several of them write.

    9) Slash.

    10) Words over people's faces. And when the background is a repeated celebrity picture.

    11) I generally read the same authors or I'll read some of their friends.

    12) If it's absolutely amazing, several. Otherwise, three or four.

    13) No.

    14) Yes.

    15) Not often.

    16) I subscribe to very few stories. It has to be absolutely amazing. I've subscribed to two stories in the past year, I believe.

    17) Because I read fanfiction.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:35am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have? Two.

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it? No, no order. Whatever happens to get written first, gets updated. Or maybe I'll write a one-shot, if I'm experiencing writer's block for the other two.

    3) How often do you update? No set schedule. Just whenever I get a chapter (or one-shot) done.

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter? Depends on the story, but usually between 10 and 15.

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have? Ten, usually.

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction? Doesn't matter.

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction? Original fiction, lately.

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write? No, and yes. setablazebylove, gilda8609, and tex1209 are real-life friends. (Sardonic Grin counts, too, because I have met her irl?) Matt has an account, too, but I don't know what his name is. And yes, they all write.

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero? Depends. If it's fanfic, and the characters (or real-life people) aren't actually gay in canon, I probably won't read them as gay. If they're gay in canon, if the story is good then maybe. Likewise, I'll read a het story if it's good, not just because it's het.

    10) What's your biggest [pet peeve] in custom layouts? Neon colors.

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how? I usually find story via recommendation.

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story? Everyone makes typos now and then. (Even professional, published authors.) But if there are too many, like one per paragraph, maybe even less, I'll be too irritated to keep reading, usually.

    13) Do you participate in writing contests? Every now and then, if one catches my interest.

    14) Do you visit the forums? Frequently.

    15) Do read the news articles? Yes. I post them, too.

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story? I never subscribe. I read so few stories on this site, I know where to find them.

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books? I don't...? I love to read books. I read them far more than I do the stories I find online.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:25am
  • 1) Seven

    2) Nope

    3) I try to do a story a day. I won't update more than one story a day though.

    4) Depends on the story. Average for most is four to seven.

    5) Depends on the story again. But average after ten chapters is usually five or six. Maybe less, maybe more.

    6) Fanfiction.

    7) Fanfiction

    8) No and no.

    9) Slash.

    10) I don't know.

    11) Story section, story finders thread, pimping and reccing thread.

    12) I don't know.

    13) I used to. Not anymore though.

    14) All the tme.

    15) Sometimes.

    16) I'll usually subscribe if it's Rydon/Ryden all the time, unless it's unbearably badly written. Slash can make me subcribe too. My favorite slash pairings are a good win at me subscribing.

    17) I read both.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:24am
  • 1. One
    2. Nope.
    3. Maybe twice a month.
    4. Anywhere from four to eight.
    5. It had ten.
    6. Fan-fiction. I can't find any good original stories on here, but that's what libraries are for.
    7. Fan-fiction.
    8. Nope.
    9. Hetero, please and thank you.
    10. I hate when it doesn’t look like any time was put into it.
    11. Luck.
    12. A few.
    13. Every now and again.
    14. Occasionally.
    15. No, a while back I did,
    16. If has a touch of originality, and the author has a fair amount of talent.
    17. I read both. I quit enjoy published writing, and believe everyone should.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:22am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have?

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it?
    Nope, I just update when I finish a chapter

    3) How often do you update?
    At least once a week

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter?
    Uhm, I usually write at the end… read, comment, subscribe… so

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have?
    I don’t remember. I think about four or five

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    Both of them…

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    Again, both of them

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write?
    One friend reads my stories and she had an account here, but she’s not on so much…

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero?

    10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts?
    Uhm, honestly, when they use the pre-made layouts it gets on my nerves, ‘cause I don’t like any of them

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how?
    I browse around through the story section, click on anything and check it out then go in the profile and check if there’s any more… and then click the friends and/or commenters.

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story?
    I don’t know

    13) Do you participate in writing contests?
    Yes! I’m currently in three and have one of myself open

    14) Do you visit the forums?

    15) Do read the news articles?
    Some of them

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story?
    It has to seem worthwhile, it has to pull me in or no subscription

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books?
    Because they’re free… no kidding, I just got six books to read… I read mibba during day and books before I go to sleep, mibba has very interesting stories and a lot of potential future book authors. I’ll be happy to say that I read their stories before they became all famous and known.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:19am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have?

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it?
    Nope. I only usually update one story, and then the other one gets occasional updates

    3) How often do you update?
    Daily now, it seems

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter?
    One. Two if I'm extra lucky

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have?
    One...on each

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    Original Fiction...if it can keep me occupied

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction?
    Original Fiction.

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write?
    One has an account so she can read the story. And she does not write.

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero?

    10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts?
    Ohhh. Pass.

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how?
    Making a Journal asking for stories.

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story?
    Just the little ones, like the wrong use of 'there' and such. They've got to be minor, otherwise I won't bother to read.

    13) Do you participate in writing contests?

    14) Do you visit the forums?

    15) Do read the news articles?
    Beginning to.

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story?
    A really good story line, perfect grammar and spelling, and interest.

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books?
    I read more books instead of stories on here.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:16am
  • 1. One.
    2. Nope.
    3. Every couple of days to a week.
    4. Sadly I only have one, haha.
    5. Mine so far is only two chapters, working on the third.
    6. Depends on how it's written.
    7. Original fiction. I find it easier to work with my own characters.
    8. Yeah.
    9. Same as number six.
    10. When you can't read the story, and the backround image aswell.
    11. Story section. If something catches my attention then I'll check it out.
    12. Just a few.
    13. Occasionally.
    14. Oh yeah dude.
    15. Not very often.
    16. If it's got a good plot, good characters, and a good layout. :]
    17. There's always something differet on here, I guess you could say.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:13am
  • 1) 3 out of 4
    2) Take turns.
    3) Every couple days
    4) 2 or 3. But maybe more after the chapter has been out for a couple days.
    5) Haven't gotten to 10 chapters.
    6) Original. Or maybe fan fiction if it is really good.
    7) Original.
    8) Nope, none of my friends write.
    9) Neither.
    10) Background.
    11) Stories section. Or reading other author recommendations.
    12) A few.
    13) I do some.
    14) Not much.
    15) Sometimes.
    16) How well it's written and the plot.
    17) I don't buy books a lot. No money. It's also fun to read other people's writing and review.

    This was kind of fun filling out. :D'
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:10am
  • 1) Two.
    2) Not at all. I update whatever I happen to be inspired for.
    3) Whenever inspiration hits.
    4) Hmm, maybe two or three? But lately I have been saying so many comments for a new chapter so I usually get about five to seven.
    5) I can't say. I've only got seven on my farthest one - 23 comments.
    6) Depends on my mood.
    7) Again, depends on my mood. Or how inspiration hits.
    8) One of my best friends does, yes.
    9) Hetero. I've never been a huge fan of slash.
    10) Not being able to read the content OR when people keep the same colors as the org. layout. (ie; the color of the links)
    11) Story section. I usually flip to some of the older updates though.
    12) Very few. I am a grammar nazi lol.
    13) Quite frequently.
    14) Not often. Just for contests usually.
    15) Sometimes. If I see one that sparks my interest.
    16) I never subscribe. I know, I'm horrible. But if I like it and what to know what's going to happen, I bookmark them on my computer and check them usually every day.
    17) Hmm.. I think it's because you can see how people can put an spin on a story you've already read. For example, you see a lot of different story lines with the Harry Potter plot line, and some of them are really good.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:09am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have?3

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it? No, I'll update by whatever I'm in the mood to write too

    3) How often do you update? Whenever I get the chance to

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter? One at the most, my stories aren't too popular

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have? like three if I'm lucky

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction? Original

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction? Original

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write? My friend got me hooked here, and hey love reading my stories. Yeah, we're like writing buds.

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero? hetero

    10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts? That they don't represent what you want or need it to

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how? Going to the story section, going to the journal section and clicking their proiles... so both.

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story? Not to many but I can piece it together if it's not in chat speak the whole time

    13) Do you participate in writing contests? Sometimes, but I have to go one at a time

    14) Do you visit the forums? A little

    15) Do read the news articles? Yup

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story? Not how many stars, but how well it's written, what it's about really

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books? Some books on here are the same but they're just normal people's ideas really
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:09am
  • 1.Two
    3.When ever
    4.Zero....on a good day one.
    10.the size of the front. IT'A TOO SMALL TO READ!
    11.I just click on random crap.
    12.a lot actually
    13. Nope
    14. Yes
    15. Sometimes
    16. the subject and if I like it.
    17. I do both.
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:08am
  • I dont have any stories XD
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:06am
  • 1) How many active stories do you have? 1

    2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it? no order. just when I think I should update

    3) How often do you update? at least once a week

    4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter? at the end of each chapter i say ''any comments?'' so i guess NONE without demanding

    5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have? 4 WOO HOO xD

    6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction? fan-fiction

    7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction? original fiction. total turn-around

    8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write? no, i would hate my friends reading my stories (if you knew them you would understand)

    9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero? slash!

    10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts? when they try to bling it up (too much) and it has naked people on it (its hot and everything but i wouldn't want my parents to catch me reading it....so i X-it out)

    11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how? going to a poem, then going to thier profile, seeing if they have a story....and sunscribe if its worth while

    12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story? only 1 per sentence

    13) Do you participate in writing contests? nope :[ I don't have a chance to win so what is the point?

    14) Do you visit the forums? not offten

    15) Do read the news articles? i'll click on one...but i never finish them. too lazy ;D

    16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story? if the author seems like an alright person and how kick-as* thier story is

    17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books? not all published authors are good
    October 7th, 2009 at 03:04am