What you you do if you were offered Immortality ? My rant on becoming a vampire. - Comments

  • I'd say no, because I'd be stuck on earth forever (not saying that as a bad thing) and I'd lose my family and friends. Also--in the religious subject--isn't the world supposed to end one point in life? So a vampire couldn't live forever, because the world would end eventually right? I mean the sun would burn out and cause a super nova and the world would just end. explode. and we'd be destroyed. We don't even know when it'll happen, but we estimate not for years and years. So, I'd say no. Because I wouldn't not want to live to see that day. And becuase I don't think I could stand killing humans nor animals.
    April 30th, 2010 at 02:15am
  • I'm thinking of the song by Queen, Who Wants To Live Forever while reading this journal. I know what you mean with twilight fans answering hell yes and I think that is a serious problem with that whole series, it does take into consideration of what happens to your family once you go away. Unless I have no family I may consider the offer but I think in the end I'd still refuse the offer being that how can you enjoy life when you no longer have that fear of death? Where would be that appreciation for life?
    April 16th, 2010 at 08:01am
  • I'm not so sure what I would say. I'm afraid of dying and all but if the opportunity came I might just say yes. Though there would be a lot of things I would miss. Immortality is nice and all but there are certain ways a vampire could die too. It all depends on the vamp books a person has read.
    April 11th, 2010 at 02:39am
  • You make a really good argument I think I would say no too...
    March 4th, 2010 at 11:00pm
  • You make a very good point my girl and I too would say ' no' after considering the tempting fact of damned immortality.
    December 27th, 2009 at 08:57pm
  • Hmmm, everyone does have a point,and it really does depend on the circumstances, like if you're about to die, or you fell inlove with a vampire.

    In the end for me...I'm not really sure, saying yes, I might regret it a little while down the road, of course like everyone else said, living forever isn't very appealing. I wouldn't want to live forever, but I'm also scard of dieing...so, Idk 0.0''
    October 28th, 2009 at 06:06pm
  • I'd probably say yes >_<

    ...though I agree with Shiznit, I'd much rather be a fairy =D
    October 13th, 2009 at 03:00am
  • Ahhh. This reminds me of that movie, "Tuck Everlasting." A girl was in love with this guy who was immortal, and he wanted her to drink from the magic spring that would make her immortal, but his dad advised her against it, because he claimed that to live forever was not really living.

    It would depend, for me. I mean, if a vampire materialized in my room and said "hey, wanna be immortal?" I'd say buzz off. Although....if a dashing faery prince came along and offered to make me a fairy, then I might say yes. =]
    Faeries are way cooler than vampires.
    October 13th, 2009 at 12:51am
  • I definitely would not want to live forever. Ugh. So lonely.
    October 13th, 2009 at 12:47am
  • At this point in time I'd say no for numerous reasons
    but if you ask me again in like a year or something
    I might have a different answer
    October 13th, 2009 at 12:36am
  • Okay I spell checked this and put paragraphs, but I mean even if I fell in love with a vampire, I don’t know if I could marry someone and stay with them for a mortal life time, let alone someone for eternity. And then even if all my friends became vamps too, I mean yeah I’d prolly get sick of them after a while. Some vampires can eat food. But I would miss food to. If I were to become a vampire I ‘d have to sit down with him and ask him all sorts of ridiculous questions like, can I still eat? Can I still have sex? Will I sparkle? Do stakes kill me? Do I cry blood tears? Does my face get all bumpy when I go to feed on someone? Can I be up during the day, but just can’t go out in the sun or do I have to sleep in my coffin cause I can’t function during the day? I mean yeah don’t get me wrong it would be kinda hard to say no but I donno if I could do the vampire thing forever, maybe for a week to see if I liked it…. Hmmm maybe I need to go find a vampire and switch bodies with her…hahahahahaha
    October 13th, 2009 at 12:00am
  • I'd still probably say yes, to be fair.
    October 12th, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • I love Twilight.

    But would never want to be a vampire cause A) life is hard enough as a human and B) living forever here on earth seems kind of lonely to me. Even if you had vampire friends. I mean you'd just be stuck watching the world change. I think it'd be crap.
    October 12th, 2009 at 10:46pm
  • I think it depends on the circumstances. If I fell in love with a vamp, then yes I would be one too. If it were just some random vampire though, that wouldn't be the case. If the vampire is all "Either become like me or I kill you!" then I think I would also be a vamp. I would take the option to stay human though. If that was an option, at least.

    Hmm...that was a very good question.
    October 12th, 2009 at 10:36pm
  • You should put this in paragraphs so it's easier to read.

    In TOTBT, Lestat also becomes human again. He resented being a vampire and remorseful. He tries to kill himself! But of course, he likes being a vampire again by the end. Probably because he's gotten so used to it over the 200 years. Also, David knowingly refuses the "dark gift".

    Depending on which books you read, vampires don't have to kill humans.

    I wouldn't want to become a vampire. Sure not dying and never growing old is nice, but everyone around you still does. Eventually, everyone you once loved is dead. You'd have to constantly move around so people don't question why you never age. You can only get really close to other vampires and that can get boring. Plus, I'd miss the sun and eating food.
    October 12th, 2009 at 10:32pm
  • I too considered those things but my decision is still yes. If I was given the oppurtunity to be turned into a vampire I would say yes.
    October 12th, 2009 at 10:07pm
  • I really don't know if I'd want to live forever, but at the same time... the thought of never dying, not worrying about getting old, disease, and all that... well, it's certainly appealing.

    But if given an eternal life... or death situation, would you really have the time to think? Or would you just be so adament about not wanting to die in that situation, that you'd say yes? It's not like if you got sick of it, you still couldn't die. I mean, vampires may not die in the traditional ways... but a stake to the heart, decapitation, sunlight? All ways to die if a vampire ever really wanted to.
    October 12th, 2009 at 10:05pm