Do you wear school Uniforms?! If you do please read! - Comments

  • Hopeless And Young

    Hopeless And Young (100)

    - Do you like your school uniform?
    It's alright. It keeps the students equal and neat.
    - If you were to refuse to wear the uniform one day is there a punishment? If so what is it? (tell me what they do aka call home or something.)
    There no punishment only violations and warnings.
    - How much do they cost?
    It depends on the persons size and height.
    - Do you think the uniforms help you learn and achieve more than if you were to wear your own clothes?
    I think when you wear your own clothes kind of distracting especially when your in a private school.
    - What do you parents think about your uniforms?
    They think it's so nice and "cool"
    - What do your teachers think?
    They love seeing us in it.
    - Would you prefer to wear your own clothes or have a uniform?
    depends on what school.
    October 28th, 2009 at 05:41am
  • est1994.

    est1994. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeaa, I wear a uniformm:
    - Do you like your school uniform?
    It's far better than some uniforms in the area that have to wear blazers, but it's not amazing.
    - If you were to refuse to wear the uniform one day is there a punishment?
    No one refuses to wear the uniform. Never has.
    - How much do they cost?
    Trousers or skirt £15-20, Polo shirt £7, Jumper £30.
    - Do you think the uniforms help you learn and achieve more than if you were to wear your own clothes?
    Not at all.
    - What do you parents think about your uniforms?
    Loads better than the grammer schools, normal for county.
    - What do your teachers think?
    That we look a bit scruffy.
    - Would you prefer to wear your own clothes or have a uniform?
    Own clothes [:

    Hope this helpss.
    October 25th, 2009 at 03:59pm
  • I Love You Baby Doll

    I Love You Baby Doll (100)

    United States
    I used to wear a uniform, from Pre-K to 4th grade, now I'm in public school.
    -Do you like your school uniform?
    I had always hated it. I had always been a tomboy, and personally hated skirts. And they were really un-comfortable. . .
    -If you were to refuse to wear the uniform for one day is there a punishment? If so what is it?
    Well, I had never had to find this out for myself. But, I think you would get warned, and had to call home and have your parents bring the uniform in for you.
    How much do they cost?
    I think that the Polos cost around $25, the pants were $30, and the skirts were $45. It depended on the size, and your grade.
    Do you think the uniforms help you learn and achieve more than if you were to wear your own clothes?
    No, they made me space out because of how un-comfortable they were, and made me nervous. Also, they seemed to make every girl there look fatter, and it's ridiculous.
    What do your parents think about the uniforms?
    My dad obviously was oblivious to them, and my mom just said they were cute, and, "at least you don't have to decide what to wear to school," and wished she had a uniform for work. Well, I know she was always saying she wished she had a uniform so I would get changed, but she also didn't care, and is oblivious to them now that I'm at public school.
    What do your teachers think?
    My teachers just cared that we wore them, but some agreed that they looked terribly un-comfortable, and asked for more Dress-Down-Days.
    Would you prefer to wear your own clothes or have a uniform?
    I would rather wear my own clothes. Because, when we're in college, or when we have a job, majority is that most of us wont have a uniform, and we'll be independent. So, if we were to wear a uniform now, how would we know what to do when we're older. Also, wearing our own clothes shows our individuality.
    October 20th, 2009 at 09:54pm
  • thirty whacks;

    thirty whacks; (100)

    -Do you like your school uniform?
    I do and I don't. I never have to stress about what I'm going to wear but the teachers make a huge deal if out of it if it's not 100% perfect.

    -If you were to refuse to wear uniform for one day is there punishment?
    Hell yes! You get a detention just for wearing a wrong colored singlet under your blouse! If you were to refuse uniform from head to toe..oh boy.. parents would be called and you'd get suspended

    How much do they cost?
    It depends on the school. Private schools are VERY expensive but since I go to a scummy public school..the skirts are about $ blouse was $ dress was $70 and my jumper is $60. Still expensive though.

    Do you think uniforms help you learn and achieve more than if you were to wear your own clothes?
    Not really, I don't think it would make a difference. Though a teacher once told me that "colors help you learn" so maybe non-uniforms are better for your education?

    What do your parents think about your uniforms?
    Thankful I suppose that I won't be throwing tantrums having nothing to wear for school :P

    What do your teachers think?
    Most of my teachers care a lot for it because it represents the school. And they can also spot people wagging class if they see them in public places on their breaks.

    -Would you prefer to wear your own clothes or have uniform?
    That depends on whether I have the clothes for it. :P
    October 14th, 2009 at 07:54am
  • Skeletondance

    Skeletondance (100)

    United States
    - Do you like your school uniform? Yeah, sure, sometimes.

    - If you were to refuse to wear the uniform one day is there a punishment? If so what is it? (tell me what they do aka call home or something.) Depends, sometimes are warning or a write up. A write up gives you admin. detention for one hour each day you get a write up. Sometimes, if the dress code is severly violated, you're cut off of every school activity.

    - How much do they cost? Depends where you buy them. Mine in total cost fifty dollars.

    - Do you think the uniforms help you learn and achieve more than if you were to wear your own clothes? I'm a natural born slacker, so clothes don't affect me.

    - What do you parents think about your uniforms? My mom has a love/hate relationship. She hates the fact that I have to get new uniform every year, but she likes the fact that I look a little more decent xD

    - What do your teachers think? Some teachers are against it, some love it.

    - Would you prefer to wear your own clothes or have a uniform? It doen't matter to me, I'm already used to uniform :D
    October 14th, 2009 at 01:07am
  • Hachi

    Hachi (100)

    United States
    - Do you like your school uniform?
    No, I really hate it.

    - If you were to refuse to wear the uniform one day is there a punishment? If so what is it? (tell me what they do aka call home or something.)
    There is a punishment, and you get ISS or detention (depends if you are a repeat offender.)

    - How much do they cost?
    To buy them in bulk, the cost around about one hundred US dollars.

    - Do you think the uniforms help you learn and achieve more than if you were to wear your own clothes?
    No, I don't, if anything they distract people when the girls refuse to button their shirts to take a "stand".

    - What do you parents think about your uniforms?
    My mom thinks their cute. My dad apparently doesn't care.

    - What do your teachers think?
    Most my teacher speak of how uniforms are rediculous.

    - Would you prefer to wear your own clothes or have a uniform
    My clothes, more comfortable.
    October 14th, 2009 at 12:45am
  • maj10101

    maj10101 (100)

    United States
    i never had to wear uniforms but i do think its ridicoulus
    October 14th, 2009 at 12:06am
  • Your.Pink.Diary

    Your.Pink.Diary (165)

    I used to have a Uniform when I went to High School (which in Aus is from 7-12) so I'll answer them.

    - I didn't mind having to wear one. I have a few issues with the way some of it looked, but then I'd seen worse at other school.
    - Just for one day? I'd been given an after school detention and sent home to change.
    - It'll sound expensive when I say it cost at least $300-$400, however, I had one blazer which I kept all 6 years, one skirt, one hat, two dresses. The only thing I ever really bought new things of was the shirts and I'm not sure how much they were. So $400 in 6 years isn't that bad when you think about it.
    - Considering I don't know High school education without uniforms it's hard to judge. But I would say yes just in that it's one less thing to distract you.
    - I don't think they have any opinion at all really.
    - Some of my teachers thought the school was a little too strict on some of it's rules. Otherwise they didn't care.
    - Uniform. It means that you don't have to think in the morning, and it means you know that no one is going to look twice at what you're wearing. I don't think they crush individuality at all. I think they put everyone on a level playing field, which is good.
    October 13th, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • goldenyears.

    goldenyears. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooh, okay. I used to wear a school uniform. Basically, here in Britain most schools have a uniform for ages 5-16, and then when you go to college (16-18) you wear whatever you like.

    - No, I didn't like any of the school uniforms. It was uncomfortable and looked rather stupid. xD
    - They can call home, if you don't have a good excuse. Or they can send you home to get changed. At my school, if you were wearing something really out of uniform [e.g. T-shirt and jeans as opposed to minor rule-breaking like not wearing a school sweater] you were put in Isolation, which is just what it sounds like - you didn't get to go to classes and had to sit in a sort of little cubicle to work. The downside was you didn't leave it all day, not even for lunch or breaks.
    - The jumpers cost about £20 for two, but then we had to buy shirts and trousers and shoes and PE kit, and it ended up costing quite a bit. About £60 if you bought the cheapest stuff, but obviously if you wanted clothes that would last the whole year, it was more.
    - Well, yes - but that was because the school was filled with generally crappy people who couldn't concentrate out of uniform.
    - My mum liked it because it meant she had to do less washing and she didn't have to keep buying new clothes for my brother. Although she did agree with me that it was really ugly xD
    - They thought it was a good thing, although I wonder if they would have said that if THEY had to wear a uniform.
    - I wear my own clothes now, and it's much better. I feel more comfortable and I can express myself loads better and I don't have to keep getting changed after school because I don't want to stay in the uniform.
    October 13th, 2009 at 11:39pm
  • Mirneeebear.

    Mirneeebear. (100)

    United States
    I wish we had uniforms. XD
    October 13th, 2009 at 11:35pm
  • go for gin.

    go for gin. (100)

    United States
    I wear a uniform
    - Do you like your school uniform? I barely notice it. I'm a junior now, and I've been wearing a uniform since kindergarten.
    - If you were to refuse to wear the uniform one day is there a punishment? If so what is it? (tell me what they do aka call home or something.) Detention.
    - How much do they cost? I'm not sure. The sweaters are $30 I think. The polos are around $10, and I think the skirts are something like $25.
    - Do you think the uniforms help you learn and achieve more than if you were to wear your own clothes? I don't think they make a difference. It's mainly a tradition thing as well as it keeps us all equal.
    - What do you parents think about your uniforms? My parents care as little as I do.
    - What do your teachers think? I doubt it matters to my teachers either.
    - Would you prefer to wear your own clothes or have a uniform? I completely indifferent about them. I'm out of uniform every Monday, also.
    October 13th, 2009 at 11:35pm