remembering sunday,,, - Comments

  • NOL668

    NOL668 (100)

    United States
    i like normal gummy bears... my sunday sucked, my man friend wasnt there and he said he would be there every sun this month. i knew that want true. i cant hold anyone to their word. really.

    yeah, i dont reall have the fun i used to in hs. now im in college, i wanted to be friends with the people who go out and party all the time. thats not going to happen. i attract good people, nerds mostly, not a bad thing. all of my hs friends are way smarter than me. one of them is in college this year. i miss my old friends, i dont see them much, but we stay in touch. i dont know what to tell you... it sucks to be home schooled, you miss out on hs, which is really important in life, best part of life.
    October 14th, 2009 at 06:28am
  • she floats

    she floats (110)

    Vatican City State
    Remembering Sunday is my favorite All Time Low song, and one of my favorite songs, ever.
    Jasey Rae, both the acoustic and the album version, is second.
    Then maybe The Party Scene, or Lullabies.
    Eh, so many good ones.
    BUT ANYWAYS. I'm sorry. :(
    That doesn't sound fun.
    October 14th, 2009 at 05:35am