Tough Times and Overdose... - Comments

  • RunKidRun

    RunKidRun (100)

    United States
    When I was 12, I (apparently) overdosed on fiorcet (sp?), speed, and there was weed in my system, and they put me in a hospital for a few weeks, then, I attempted suicide, and was sent to another place where I was stuck in isolation for two weeks. (Whatever you or your friend do, don't EVER do something so bad that they put you in isolation. You talk to yourself. And go insane. There's nothing to do, its horrible.)
    After I cam home, I was in trouble with my family "for causing them so much grief" (who were we worried about here? geez family.)
    After being home for about 4 days, I had to go back to a hospital because of what my stepdad did to me, and spent 3 months there.
    It was hell, to say the least.
    Make sure you're there for your friend, she'll need it when she gets out of rehab(:
    October 30th, 2009 at 03:15am
  • for the birds

    for the birds (100)

    United States
    My best friend in 8th grade overdosed and was sent to I'm not sure of what kind. It was weird because she just did it all of a sudden, and I suddenly couldn't talk to her for months. I know what you're going through, just make sure you're there for her when she gets back.
    October 22nd, 2009 at 01:17am
  • Disenchanted Evening

    Disenchanted Evening (100)

    United States
    I had a very close friend that went through a similar situation. She had been hospitalized for self-injury, and went through periods of prescription drug abuse. She ended up being hospitalized five times. It was horrible. I was constantly worried about her, and after a while I felt as if it was my duty to care for her. But after everything we went through, we don't talk anymore...
    Just stay strong, be there for her, but you have to be there for yourself too.
    October 22nd, 2009 at 12:41am