So. I'm 15 and getting a corset piercing. - Comments

  • Corst piercings are pretty.
    November 2nd, 2009 at 12:34am
  • Oh if it's hoops i don't think it'll be micros then. xD
    I'm not sure if micros are dearer. But it sounds more painful.
    A lot of people are getting them round here.
    Someone from my secondary school got one on her anti-brow. And another on her hand, in between her index finger and thumb.
    Aww god, the first proper piercing i had was my belly button and it killed.
    I've never had any of my piercings frozen, but that had to be the painfullest.
    Then my nose comes a close second.
    But i don't regret any of my piercings. Even if the hip ones scarred.
    Did you get a gun or a needle for the top of your ear?
    I got told after i had the gun that it was quite dangerous. xD
    I was like, thanks for telling me. -_-'
    November 2nd, 2009 at 12:19am
  • Micros? Hah, I don't even know. The guy just showed me the different hoops, and how thick they where.

    When I got the top of my ears done, it hurt. A lot. That was the first painful piercing I got before my bellybutton piercing. I got rid of my bellybutton piercing a couple months later. I didn't like it anymore. x3
    November 2nd, 2009 at 12:11am
  • Microdermals are the permanent version of surface piercings.
    So are you going to be getting micros for the corset piercing?
    And i dunno about the ear thingy.
    But when i got the top of my ear done, i got it done with a gun and it was fine for a few days then totally swelled up. I panicked. :O
    Went all red too. I thought i was going to get one of them keloid things.
    But salt water got it sorted. Phew. :)
    November 2nd, 2009 at 12:09am
  • Jinxeh Yes, that was the first comment. I've already addressed that question. ^^;

    The artist didn't tell me anything about it being permanent, I'd just assumed. I've also said that I'm going to do some more research on the piercings and decide later. More than likely I'll still get one either way - at least for the pictures~

    If it can't be permanent, then I'll just take them out. I don't mind scars - mine always end up being either a slightly darker or lighter shade of brown and the hoops won't be that big. Thank you, though for being concerned. :3
    November 2nd, 2009 at 12:06am
  • You do realize that corset piercings are not permanent, right? They're normally done on a temporary basis only, such as for photo-shoots or parties or the like, and then they come out. Any "professional" piercing artist who tells you otherwise isn't one you should trust on the subject, because then he/she is dead wrong and clearly doesn't know their stuff. The rings they use aren't meant to stay in your skin long-term, and because of their shape will begin to reject before long, leaving you with rather ugly scars unless you manage to get them out before they actually can start to reject.

    I don't normally just come right out and say, "No, don't do that" when it comes to the people on this site and piercings, but in this case I just have to. I implore you not to do this, or at least to have it done, and then take them out within a day or two, at the latest.
    November 2nd, 2009 at 12:04am
  • Woot. Thank youu.
    Good luck with your piercings as well. ^^

    Now my question is..why don't ear piercings get rejected? I know that if you keep your earrings out for too long they close, but they don't push the earring out. So if you keep the hoops in your back, I don't see how there could possibly be a way for them to be pushed out when they're wrapped around skin. Perhaps they could close up when taken out, but....agh. I'll ask the tattoo guy when we can go see him again. He'll probably know all about this stuff.

    And no, this is not my first piercing. I've had piercings on the tops of my ears, one nose piercing that I had to take out, regular ear piercings, and a bellybutton piercing. So yes, I know that they hurt.


    And you know, a lot of people say sixteen is too young for tattoos, but even that doesn't stop most teens~
    As long as my dad's okay with it, I'm not worried about it. I'd have gotten one sooner or later anyways. :]
    November 1st, 2009 at 11:57pm
  • v Adding to that, it's your first piercing right? You have no idea what it feels like and let me tell you... I have three facial piercings and even those hurt. I couldn't imagine getting a ton on my back. o.o
    November 1st, 2009 at 11:52pm
  • I think they're lovely, but I think 16 is too young to be getting such a large piercing(s). Just my opinion.
    November 1st, 2009 at 11:49pm
  • Corset piercings are awesome!
    I'd love to see a pic if you get yours.
    I don't think i've ever seen anyone round here with one.
    But i've had my hips pierced.
    They were the best piercings i ever had.
    But they rejected and left little scars. But pfft.
    I say it was worth the experience. xD
    I'm going to find out if i can get microdermals on my hips instead.
    As long as the scars aren't too bad.
    Fingers crossed. ^_^
    November 1st, 2009 at 11:27pm
  • Allie Harvard Yes, that's what I'm going to do when I said I was going to ask around. I've got about a year to decide for sure (My birthday is in April, hehe..) but I agree that researching is the best solution. The last thing I want is to end up with a twisted back with metal and bone sticking out or something. Like a Dinosaur... ^^;;

    And awh thank you. : D
    Hah, but I want to get something others won't see right away. My dad only agreed to a corset piercing because no one can see it when you go in for a job interview. It was either that or a nose piercing, which he immediately said no to. Imagine that, right? x3

    dexter; Hehe, I would, but since I'm only fifteen I've been told bare back photos on the internet are bad. I don't see why, but..whatever. D:
    When I grow up, I'll more than likely get another one (assuming they're not permanent) and take some modeled pictures. That would be cool to put on DA with my other artwork~ ^^
    November 1st, 2009 at 11:15pm
  • I basically agree with Allie Harvard this is something that you absolutely should be doing a lot of research on first. I mean, it honestly sounds like you haven't had much more of a thought process than 'Looks cool. Want to get it done' which is fine. But beyond that you need to actually research the various things that can go wrong with that type of piercing, if you should keep them in (remember, at 15, it's likely you're still going to grow, I'd imagine that would also be something you'll need to take into account)

    So yeah, just make sure you research it thoroughly, or it could potentially be a mess of a situation.
    November 1st, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • That sounds really cool. There's this one girl at school that has that. Take some pics when you get it done. :D I'm too much of a coward to actually get piercings. D:

    I quit NaNo yesterday. I decided it was too much pressure and I wouldn't be able to finish anything. I wish you luck, though!
    November 1st, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • Actually I just looked at your pictures and I think a nose stud or a lip ring would look beautiful on your face. =)
    November 1st, 2009 at 11:02pm
  • DeeGates and Cryptic Ink: Some people may be able to keep it in, but it's extremely common for people's bodies to reject the piercings. It's not reccomended for long-term use. Cryptic Ink, I know you may want this because it looks really cool and it's not too common, but if I were you I'd be doing research. You could leave yourself with a lot of permanent scars and more than likely a lot of infections.

    I'd say do your research. Or get a smaller, cheaper piercing that is 100% permanent.
    November 1st, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • They're going to eventually reject from your skin. All surface peircings do. >.<
    November 1st, 2009 at 10:58pm
  • DeeGates; Yay! So it won't be a waste of money. :)
    Because I remember seeing a model once who'd gotten corset piercings for a shoot and was given the option to keep them in, but turned it down. Which made me assume they could be permanent?
    I think I'll ask around some more, though.
    Thanks for the info.

    rainbebez.tears. It's nothing too bad, but its really good if you want to beat procrastination with a bit of help. If you google it, then you shall see. Ahh, Google knows all, it does. : D
    November 1st, 2009 at 10:54pm
  • huh... i'm curious...

    What is this Write or Die website? Because the sound of it is very...vicious...0_o!!
    November 1st, 2009 at 10:50pm
  • My friend has had her corset piercings for about three years now. No receding. She keeps them in 24/7, except for sleeping. Yes, she's able to put them back in the next day with help from her husband.
    November 1st, 2009 at 10:50pm
  • A.Broken.Mess
    Yes, a friend of mine got her hip pierced once. If you ask me, it's a strange place to get a piercing but - hey - it didn't look too bad. It kept falling out, though, so I'm guessing that's what happened to her as well.

    When I get my corset piercing, I'll probably just take pictures to remember it with.
    November 1st, 2009 at 10:47pm