I Have Questions About NaNoWriMo [to help me decide if I should do it next year or not] - Comments

  • taliaroks

    taliaroks (100)

    New Zealand
    1. You need to write at least 1,667 words a day. But thats just a guideline. I wrote 2,00 on my first day and then just a little over 1,000 the next.

    2. I am bad. I can't resist and I just have too edit it. But only a little bit!

    3. The idea hit me in the face. But I am gradually as I write it, new ideas for the plot enter my head.

    4. I just let it flow. I only decided I was doing it the day before! But it seems to be coming along alright. For now...

    5. Probly not! =] I am too chickan!

    6. My story is about a 25yr old woman who's husband has just left her. Then she discovers she has his child on the way. She kind of has a mid-life crisis and sells her house and buys a motorhome. She ships it over to New Zealand and her and her baby travel around meeting new people and stuff!

    This is my first year! =]
    November 3rd, 2009 at 08:11am
  • Dancing Caveman

    Dancing Caveman (450)

    United States
    1. Well, when I first joined, I wrote a little over 1,000 words the first day. The next day I wrote over 660 words. And then I stopped. The next year was even worse. But this year, both days it's been over 2,000 words.

    2. Since I'm not very far, and since I'm still going strong at more than the suggested amount, I've been going back and doing some minor editing. See, I'm not writing a novel, I'm writing a memoir. So, I have to try to dig up all of my past memories. Sometimes, I forget about something until later.

    3. I usually start off pretty strong, and then waver. I think that me just writing about my life is a big help- because then I'm not making something up. But music definitely helps. Writing buddies also help. I have two of them, and while we don't communicate, we all keep our word count up-to-date, and it motivates me to write just as much or more than them.

    It also helps that I have a word count in my sig. It makes more people aware that I'm writing something, and if I just quit- I'll feel like an idiot in front of everyone.

    4. The first two years, I just winged it. This year, I actually made a really rough outline (that I keep adding to). I've found that my outline has really made a difference. But there still are things I need to research. I usually research them (because it's usually just statistics) when I realize that I need them.

    5. I've gotten poems published, but I'd love to really get published. I'd also like to self-publish what I'm currently writing when the time comes. I'll probably only make one book- for me, but it'll be a big motivator for when I decide to actually write a novel (Sadie Cavalier or Bethany Law).

    6. My memoir is called "Growing Up Weird" and it's basically a lot of personal anecdotes that reflect on me being a self-proclaimed weird person.
    November 3rd, 2009 at 04:09am
  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    I - You can write whenever you feel. It's best to write every day, but I think it's fine if you skip a few days.

    II - It's best to write the whole thing, and then go back when you have the time. This is a contest to see if you can write 50,000 words in one month. The words don't have to be words of genius.

    III - I just BS everything. Genius will come eventually.

    IV - Depends. Sometimes I feel like too much research distracts me from the actual writing process.

    V - No. Not yet.

    VI - Look here: http://stories.mibba.com/read/213086/788/
    November 3rd, 2009 at 04:07am
  • VandaliaLaRue

    VandaliaLaRue (100)

    United States
    1) The "daily goal" is 1,667 words a day. What is effective for me is to write until I just can't write no more.

    2) They say to turn off your inner editor but I cannot do that, so therefore I have been going back and editing, adding, etc. But once I post a chapter for the word count, in my head, I turn off the editor for that chapter. I will only edit a chapter I'm currently writing.

    3) Some people it hits in the face; mine it gradually came. Mine came from inspiration from one of my favorite movies.

    4) Lots of people do one, and some do another. I did some outlining before hand. Character outlining before hand, back-stories. I also watched the movie my novel is based on about...twenty times. Lots of people don't spend any time at all before November 1st, they just wing it.

    5) I would consider getting published but I never have. The current story I'm writing, is fanfiction and I would have to have rights to the book/movie before I could get it published. But if my works was completely original, definitely.

    6) My novel is a spin-off of the Disney movie Zenon, Girl of the 21st Century. With my own original spin and original characters, etc.

    Hope my takes on your questions help you somewhat :)
    November 3rd, 2009 at 04:05am