I just don't know anymore. - Comments

  • myoneandonly

    myoneandonly (100)

    United States
    yeah I know the feeling. I gho to a public school and thats all you hear is sex sex sex. I plan on staying a virgin until I get married but its so hard when you hear people talking about doing it every weekend and who does it better and everything else. It kinda just wants to make you snap and do it, just so that you arent the only one who is still a virgin. I know, its really confusing, but Id rather wait for marriage.
    November 8th, 2009 at 06:46pm
  • Mirneeebear.

    Mirneeebear. (100)

    United States
    Stand your ground. Stick with what you believe. So what if nobody else believes the same thing you do. Sometimes believing in something is going to be hard. Especially when everyone around you doesn't. That's when you need to find someone who does believe what you believe. They can help you be strong. You shouldn't feel weird about your views on things. It's what you think..

    It's a catholic school, you are bound to find someone who wants to be chasted until they're married.
    November 8th, 2009 at 06:19pm