I am [one of] the jaded kind. [It sucks. I need your opinions. Please?] - Comments

  • Billy Michealangelo

    Billy Michealangelo (105)

    United States
    its kind of like they way i get bored so much easier. I used to like video games but now.....Nada. Good luck with growing up.
    December 2nd, 2009 at 02:36am
  • Hello World

    Hello World (100)

    New Zealand
    I don't think you are losing your "funniness."
    I love the way that you laughed the other day at Amy, running around skirt-less (Lol Mr Salahab), and at that funny thing that happened in English class (I can't remember details, but I remember you and I laughing.)
    I agree with Jinxeh, you are all you need to be by being you. We all love you so much, and value you whether you are laughing or not.
    I know I haven't been the greatest person to be around lately, I am no ray of sunshine, but trust me when I say that I feel better for just being around you some days, because of the amazing person that you are.
    I hate it when you are sad, and the thought of you beating down on yourself hurts, because you deserve to be happy.
    Just remember, I am always here for you. And on the odd occasion I am even around the road from you.
    Hold your head high heavy heart, we all love you.
    November 12th, 2009 at 09:26am
  • chuck basstard.

    chuck basstard. (100)

    New Zealand
    I completely agree with Jinxeh. Being "funny" doesn't mean anything at all, and definitely doesn't hinder anyone's perception of you. I mean, I'm not funny, I'm awkward, Vanessa is only funny when she is acting like a dick, which is most of the time but you know, whatever (LOVE YOU NESSA, DON'T BE MAD!), and same with all our other friends. You're amazing, and you are smart, caring, great to talk to, and I'm closer to you than all the other girls because you are just so genuine and freakin' amazing.
    And just taking a shot in the dark here because I'm not good at the talking/advice giving thing, that's your job, but maybe you are just stressed about exams? Maybe you don't realise it, but in your mind you are so worried about exams that you won't let yourself think about anything else? I don't know, but don't think that for a second that any of us love you any different, because we always will. You are too much of a star for us to ever forget your shine (:
    Like I said before, I fail at advice giving, but I am always here to listen if you need me. <3
    November 12th, 2009 at 08:54am
  • Jinxeh

    Jinxeh (805)

    United States
    I don't think that the issue is that you're "not funny" or that you're maturing too quickly, but rather that, whether you are or not, the possibility of it disturbs you. Why is that? Why put so much importance on being, and coming off as, funny? You are you, and I know you as an intelligent, insightful girl from New Zealand, who somehow always seems to know what to say when a friend is feeling down. It counts. It counts a lot.
    November 12th, 2009 at 07:06am
  • RockChick3401

    RockChick3401 (100)

    New Zealand
    Your Mind Is Becoming to Advanced what's the saying I'm Looking for... Small Minds get easily amused I Just Get easily amused and have no clue if I have a small mind I guess I do my brain is small due to small hands and they say both hands in fists are the same size of your brain xD It's Probably Not True but oh well
    November 12th, 2009 at 07:06am
  • lions

    lions (265)

    I am the total opposite, I never used to luagh at any show and I recently noticed that I'll make some random giggle at a stupid TV show.
    November 12th, 2009 at 06:49am