I believe you're the one being rude. - Comments

  • Ohmygod.
    Who the HELL would do that to somebody!?
    As the person below me said, I don't see how quiet = rude!
    Well, actually, in a way I do understand it. I guess the teacher was trying to talk to your friend, but when your friend was just being her quiet self, the teacher thought she was purposely ignoring her.
    But that's still terrible. And hypocritical, like you said.
    December 19th, 2009 at 01:15am
  • I have never heard of teachers doing that! That's terrible. When my mom has quiet kids in her class, usually she tries calling on them to get them into the conversation, but that's it. She won't force it out of them. And I don't see how quiet = rude! What stupid ass people.
    November 12th, 2009 at 07:23pm
  • My dance teacher did that to me once. i'm kinda shy and she was asking us questions and everyone else was answering so I just stayed quiet. Then shes asked if she could talk to me for a minute. So she takes me into her office, and thats not any better cuz its just windows and starts yelling about how rude I am. I was apologizing and telling her I didn't realize it but she kept saying it was no excuse for being rude, so I cried a little because I cry when I'm frusterated and of course we were in the glass office! Anyway I'm no longer in Hip Hop :-)
    November 12th, 2009 at 06:58am