is it worth it? - Comments

  • JessicaLynnHall95

    JessicaLynnHall95 (100)

    United States
    well. i cant say i can know what your going through because i have never cut. i have been in alot of stress and smoked and i have to sayy that did help..but thinking about killind yourself well thats diffrent you shouldnt want to do that. i mean why would you want to kill your self and put your family and friends through a lifetime of sorrow when your problem can be solved by talking it out or something simple like that. maybe if you can see some one and talk to them and get help you would feel better. you can maybe just talk to your best friend that knows about you cuttin and ask her what you can try to do to make things better and take stress out of your life.. but you can be active and walk or ride a bike or roller blade or something to remove your stress to. exercise always helps me. and sometimes if i cant tell my family something i talk to me friends or better yet a pet. just let your feelings outt by going outside and screamin or screamin in a pillow or punching a pillow there are many things you can do besides cutting that would help you. find a sport you like to play a book you like to read or something that you find fun and get out and do it..i have a book that i write my sad..mad...ect feelings in and i dont tell anyone i have it or where i put it maybe that would help you. but i would try your hardest to stop hurting yourself and i bet if you let stress out another way you would be alright. and he happier..oh and try to get out of your house more..hang with friends. and just live a fun teenage life!.
    November 13th, 2009 at 07:18pm
  • myoneandonly

    myoneandonly (100)

    United States
    Yeah I can honestly say that I know what your going through because Im going through quitting cutting myself. I know how it feel to want to cut, to have to. the urges are crazy and it killed me not to. I just stopped about a week or two ago so its especially hard right now.You have to think about how you arent just hurting yourself. Like my close friends, they know. They didnt like that I was doing it but they were sympathetic and supported me when I said I wanted out, that I wanted to stop. So Im going to do the same for you. If you need me Ill be here adn If you want to talk, it doesnt matter when. Comment me and Ill get back to you the second I log on because Ikm on everyday so I will definitely be here. Dont worry, Your not alone.
    November 13th, 2009 at 07:03pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Hurting yourself is never the answer. Try different things. I found a better way to help me. Keep a journal. Its helped me be able to get my feelings out.

    If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here to talk. (:
    November 13th, 2009 at 02:48pm
  • zombiexheart

    zombiexheart (100)

    United States
    hurting yourself or killing yourself doesn't slove the problem. it makes it worst. we all go through some rough stuff but hurting yourself doesn't make it better. maybe it does but it is not the answer. take it from me, i use to hurt myself thinking it will make the pain go away but it doesn't. now i cry. i know it might be "soft" but crying is better than hurting myself or bottling up my feelings.
    writing it down on paper, or talking to a friend, or even listening to music can help. if not talk to your family about it and tell them what it caused you to do.
    life isn't easy and everyone has a reason why we are on this planet. we just gotta find out what it is and please don't give it up.
    November 13th, 2009 at 02:35pm