Friday the Thirtenth! - Comments

  • Manda.Light

    Manda.Light (105)

    United States
    :> that makes me feel special that someones willing to deal with my rants! and if your willing to deal with my shit, then im most deffinatly willing to deal with your! :P
    well the cut isn't open, and its a few days old, the skin around it is red, and it hurts to move my arm, does that make any diffrence? should i still do what you say?
    and yeah, im not sure how many kids have used this computer before me.... SWINE! ahahaha
    November 14th, 2009 at 05:56am
  • Macy Emalia

    Macy Emalia (150)

    United States
    haha. i can just see myself ranting like that!
    haha. its really making me laugh. sorry. i think that ive had too much sugar.
    so about the cut, put neosporin on it and wrap it up. if you dont wanna tell someone then thats the best that you can do, or go to your school nurse.
    haha. i hate my schools netbooks, they suck, so i just registered to use my laptop. tehe.
    you can rant to me on pm but i might rant back. haha.
    November 14th, 2009 at 05:50am