The Reason I'm alive: - Comments

  • VengeanceIsMine

    VengeanceIsMine (100)

    United States
    aw i am literally crying right now. no lie . this was so sad but yet sweet.
    im so glad you are around! you and the rest of the girls have become my family! and what ever you want to know about me ill tell you ! i love you my oompa loompa! lol
    November 17th, 2009 at 03:50am
  • Lost Cause

    Lost Cause (100)

    United States
    I've got goosebumps and tears, but they're both good things this time.

    And if anything, hun, you're my better half. And you know I'm always here for you, no matter what. We all make mistakes, and I'd never abandon you over something as small as one little mistake. Nope, never. I'm afraid you're stuck with me for life, hun. And one day, I will be a friend who's living just down the street. Just wait, it's gonna happen.

    The rest of our friends are amazing as hell too. I love our Jersey girls. And I'm glad you've got Nick too. Maybe one day I'll be able to thank him for taking care of my twin :)

    I LOVE YOU, AIDEN!!!!!!!
    November 15th, 2009 at 09:06pm
  • Lady_Plague_6661

    Lady_Plague_6661 (100)

    United States
    I'm crying right now, Aiden.
    That was so beautiful. thank you so much. It means a lot that you would say that about me. And i know Tara and Patti feel the same way when i say we love you. just as much as you love us.

    And as you said. I WILL always be there to listen to you. or to curb stomp someone. even if it takes five years for me to get over there and do it. Because i sincerely care about you, and love you more than just about all the friends i have here. I'll always be here for you, because i've never felt alone when i had you to help me. You can make me smile when no one here can. You guys are my sisters, not just someone i talk to over the Internet. You're one fourth of the biggest parts of my life, Tara, Patti, and Lisa being the other ones. The only ones i could COMPLETELY trust with my life. I LOVE YOU!
    November 15th, 2009 at 06:08am