self injury - Comments

  • Wikipedia.

    Wikipedia. (100)

    United States
    "Life. It's all you've got."

    Just be aware of that. I can't prevent you from doing anything, but I can at least make you aware of that quote which has helped me survive absolute Hell.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 10:51pm
  • heroin bob.

    heroin bob. (100)

    United States
    I've cut, not for a very long time, they weren't huge, they were small, but I still did it, why? Because, I was cheated on, pathetic, I know, but guess what? It was my own stupid choice.
    But my best friend ever, helped me, which is a good thing, because I wanted to do more, just never mentioned it.
    But you shouldn't ever feel like dieing.
    It is one of the sadest things in the world, just to see someone dead, a stranger or a friend.
    I mean suicide? It is a pretty touchy thing, and I honestly don't think you want to die, you just think of that as the easy way out.
    Well it isn't, I am sorry, but it's a selfish thing to ever do, don't even consider it, and if you do, think about it!
    Life hasn't even been that long for you yet, sure you're 18 [your profile reads] but that still isn't long enough to ever consider killing yourself!
    In fact no age ever is, do you see what I am getting at?!
    Suicide=Not answer.
    You just need to live life to the fullest, and ignore all the problems, and have fun, and live, life, like there's no tomorrow :)
    I hope you don't end your life, and continue living to the fullest.
    Hope I helped somehow :)
    November 23rd, 2009 at 10:49pm
  • MemoriesLost182

    MemoriesLost182 (100)

    United States
    I kinda know how you feel...I can admit that I was a cutter 24/7.. and I have scars to prove it.. I'd just start reopening the ones that already healed. The reason I did was because after every mis-hap in my life I thought was my fault. For example, When my sister got divorced, don't ask me why, but I thought it was my fault. When my bestfriend figured out she was cheated on.. I thought it was my fault and just made things worse on my part. I've acutally stopped for the time being because I saw that there was way more to life than pain and sorrow. Now I understand that most people don't have a choice to live like that or not. But if you do.. Life your life to the fullest. Life's way too short to even think about dying. Just think, you could be that elder in the corner that's still bustin moves in the club once night falls. XD
    November 23rd, 2009 at 10:40pm
  • justeen28

    justeen28 (100)

    United States
    I can't say that I understand from personal experience because I don't. But I can say there have been times when i wanted to die. To just give up and no longer have to deal with lifes problems. But everytime I go through that I somehow manage to get out. And when I look back I know that I am stronger.

    You need to understand that what your father does isn't your fault. I have plenty of family members who are like that. My uncle went to jail for drugs. I was so disappointed. But you know what. My other uncle used to drink all the time. The only thing you can do is be there. Provide your support and your love. My mom smokes and i know that it will eventually kill her. So in order to motivate her to quit we would leave little hints. It definitely works.

    Life may seem hard but there are plenty people in this world who want to help you. Who want to see you smile. People who truly care what happens to you. Suicide isn't the answer. You must trust that there is a purpose to all of this.

    Sometimes we must hurt in order to feel what its like to not hurt. Everything will be okay. This entire experience will make you a stronger person. And when you get through this. Notice I didn't say if I said when. You may be able to help other people with similar problems.

    If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. I check mibba everyday. So send me an email if you ever need anything.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 07:26pm
  • RaveyRainbow

    RaveyRainbow (100)

    United States
    I've never cut before I did however use to burn myself, I know the pain you must be going through and I'm sorry becasue I dont feel you deserve it. But you really have to be strong or your never going to make it, I have nothing but mad love for you and hope everything turns out ok.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 07:02pm
  • solovely;

    solovely; (100)

    United States
    You shouldn't want to die. You have a life to live and You'll live it once. You won't get a second chance. What if you try and kill yourself but it doesn't go right. Something ends up going wrong; you won't get that second chance at life because you'll be going to counselors. What I'm trying to say is that you don't want to die because you will never be able to come back.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 04:19pm
  • Allie Ahmazing

    Allie Ahmazing (100)

    United States
    Well, you only die once and you're only going to live once. So save the dying for later and live.

    I'm a cutter too. =/ 3 years.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 03:44pm
  • Samantha Michelle

    Samantha Michelle (100)

    United States
    I used to cut, too. It is one of the hardest habits you could ever possibly try to give up. That isn't a lie. I used to cut because of one of my parents too. My Mother. You can either try to quit cutting on your own or you could seek professional help. I didn't want to involve anyone else in my problems so I chose to quit myself.

    Suicide isn't the answer. It's a perment solution to a tempary problem. Keep your head held high. Everything happens for a reason. Try to help your Father. That's all you can do. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 03:30pm
  • MyTearsWillFall

    MyTearsWillFall (100)

    United States
    I used to do it all the time. I felt that same way but I haven't cut in 1 year 6 months and 11 days. I agree with Idoru. dying is not the way out. Trust me. Suicide is not the answer. 2 kids in my class commited suicide and I'm sure I'll never forget it. It woke me up I guess you could say.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 02:47pm
  • Idoru

    Idoru (100)

    United States
    I used to be like you, but now I do that for fun. It's sort of beautiful in a strange way, you know, blood and organs and things.

    Dying is not the way out, you.
    Everything's alright in the end and if its not alright it's not the end, so turn that frown upside down. :)
    November 23rd, 2009 at 02:41pm