Things We Wish For as Kids - Comments

  • As a kid: Barbie, Barbie's car, Barbie's house.... xD

    Now: Gift cards so I can buy me stuff that I want online and the new Crayola glow dome. Have you seen it? It looks like it would be a cool night light.
    December 1st, 2009 at 08:00pm
  • As a kid:

    *coloring books
    *64 count crayons with the built in sharpener
    * Barbies!
    *dress up clothes
    Now I want:

    *a digital camera
    *a new straightener
    *countless CDs
    *an Ipod
    *purple converse
    *candy! (yep, still love it)

    lol I dont want much do I? :D
    December 1st, 2009 at 07:25pm
  • As a kid:
    Barbies, always
    a Carebear
    Coloring books
    A werewolf (Yeah, I seriously wanted a werewolf when I was little)
    Captain Crunch Cereal

    A ps3
    New cds
    Captain Crunch
    Some clothes
    A werewolf
    Guitar lessons XD
    December 1st, 2009 at 04:23pm
  • I agree. Except for the own room part. I do have my own room now.


    As a kid I wanted:
    Barbie dolls (I only had one of those)
    Make-up kit (I always stole my mom's)
    Tom and Jerry stuff (ex: pencil case, bag, etc)

    Now I want:
    New cell phone
    My own laptop
    More room to put all my books
    More CDs to add to my collection

    Hahaha.... we're just never satisfied with what we have. I always want something else.

    December 1st, 2009 at 04:16pm