I've got the questions, you answer part 2 - Comments

  • 1: they love Sid to much to blame him for his own flaws. *shrug*
    2: yeah but I don't really listen to 'em.
    3: don't listen to it.
    4: when kids forgot about the classics & started liking bands for there looks.
    5: the store people will do anything because they just wanna leave.
    6: No one watches the news for good things.
    7: idk!
    8: not since 8th grade XD.
    9: I DO!
    10: Not since 8th grade.
    11: Laziness saved my life yo!
    12: Idk!
    13: Not me but I guess it depends on the person.
    December 8th, 2009 at 12:55am
  • Why is everyone hating on Nancy Spungen?
    Can't really say I know who that is.

    Has anyone ever heard of the following bands- X-Ray Spex, The Bags, The Addicts, Agent Orange, Operation Ivy, Bikni Kill, Black Flag, Peter and The Test Tube Babies, The Damned.
    I personally haven't heard their music but I've heard that Black Flag was good

    When did punk die?
    A while back

    When the fuck did all these "alternative/pop rock/'emo'/hardcore" bands become punk?
    They aren't

    Why do people come in to return shit when the store is closing?
    No idea, it bugs me when people do that

    Why doesn't the news report anything besides the bad things?
    Good question, most likely ratings. Once again, makes me mad.

    When did living in suburbian sprawl become living in hell?
    Don't know, I live in the country

    Are there anymore people out there that can actually READ music?
    I can read music :) Bass and Treble clef.

    Who still reads books and not just online fanfics, actual books with atleast 200 pages.
    The last book I read was last week.

    Who out there can play an instrument, what is it and what's your favorite peices to play?
    I play the clarinet and bass clarinet, although it has been a while. I can't really pick a single piece i like more.

    Is teenage angst dead or are we all just becoming more lazy?
    More lazy

    Why is everyone desensitized by death and suicide?
    I'm not, its still a sad sad part of life :(

    Who's really comfterble with openly talking about when they got raped, are anorexic/bulimic?
    I've almost been raped, don't like talking about it with many people though... Mainly just my best friend and husband.
    December 7th, 2009 at 10:57pm
  • "Why is everyone hating on Nancy Spungen?"
    Who the hell is she?

    "Has anyone ever heard of the following bands- X-Ray Spex, The Bags, The Addicts, Agent Orange, Operation Ivy, Bikni Kill, Black Flag, Peter and The Test Tube Babies, The Damned."
    Yeah, The Addicts, Operation Ivy, Bikini Kill, and Black Flag I've heard of.

    "When did punk die?"
    December 31st, 1999 was the last I've heard of it.

    "When the fuck did all these "alternative/pop rock/'emo'/hardcore" bands become punk? Cause they fucking aren't!"
    When the hardcore straightedge scene and emo kids (aka cutters) (xXx) decided to overrun the planet.

    "Why do people come in to return shit when the store is closing?"
    They're idiots and want money.

    "Why doesn't the news report anything besides the bad things?"
    Because no one gives a shit anymore about the happy peaceful side of the world. As far as the human race is concerned, that side of the world is long gone.

    "When did living in suburbian sprawl become living in hell?"
    Ask Jesus.

    "Are there anymore people out there that can actually READ music?"
    Yeee, foo. Dominic the Donkey can.

    "Who still reads books and not just online fanfics, actual books with atleast 200 pages."
    Who reads period?

    "Who out there can play an instrument, what is it and what's your favorite peices to play?"
    Dominic does! Guitar, bass, and piano foo`.

    "Is teenage angst dead or are we all just becoming more lazy?"
    Teen angst will never die. And we're not lazy, WE'RE JUST FAT AMERICANS.

    "Why is everyone desensitized by death and suicide?"
    Because suicide is br00tal and m@d c00l, y0.

    "Who's really comfterble with openly talking about when they got raped, are anorexic/bulimic?"
    Tell me about it...
    December 7th, 2009 at 08:14pm
  • I really like Xray Spex!
    about 90's i think yeah... maybe very late 80's
    THEY AREN'T PUNK DAMMIT..... sorry.
    because they think that if the employee gets pissed and gives out to them they can ask the manager for something for free.... cheapskates
    because inside every person is a sadist who wants to hear about anyone else's pain and struggles
    i read bass clef fluently.... treble clef takes me longer
    books make the world go round, fanfics..... i can definitly live without
    i play cello..... i'm doing a really wicked pirates of the carribean medley at the moment
    just becoming more lazy
    ummm... i wouldn't be comfortable talking about that kind of thing (if i'd been through it that is)

    hope that was okay.... i think i skipped a few
    December 7th, 2009 at 07:34pm