Tiny Coffins - Comments

  • Slap Happy Bullet

    Slap Happy Bullet (100)

    United States
    I get feelings like that too, not just about children in hospitals, but... everything.
    I'm sure I've had that exact line of thought, but of course you deserve it. If you didn't, then they didn't deserve the help they were recieving. You deserve it for them.

    I feel that I'm pretty well off, no matter how rough things can get, and often times, I get so upset. I feel that I don't deserve any of it.
    But.. when I think this, I feel that with all this potential that I take for granted, I totally deserve it. I owe it to those less fortunate than me to take what I have and make beautiful oppurtunities from it.
    I guess we don't truly deserve anything, we're just fulfilling debt.
    December 23rd, 2009 at 03:44am