Cheating and homophobia - Comments

  • There is no such thing as cheating. Do whatever you want.
    December 26th, 2009 at 09:55pm
  • Cheating depends on what people within the relationship consider it cheating. I know some people who think flirting is borderline cheating, because the significant other is uncomfortable with it.

    I usually define it as - if it's something that you feel uncomfortable telling your SO about, or feel guilty about, it's cheating. Sex doesn't have to be involved. I actually find cuddling and hand holding to be worse than just sex, because there's usually more of an emotional attachment to that. If it's just fucking, then that is forgivable to me.
    December 25th, 2009 at 07:18am
  • hate and fear are differant. (spelling, i suck at it). i have emetophobia, and i hate it. but they are differnt things.
    people have idiotic ideas sometimes, just becuase you hold hands doesnt mean you're cheating.
    like, i had an awesome friend who was about 4feet and 6inches and so we always made jokes that he was "fun sized" (he was also extremely hyper, but still 13 as we where last year) but when i said something about it to a group outside of my usual i got dirty looks becuase they said that it meant that you wanted to have sex with them. wtf? hun, im with you, people need to really look at what makes sence when it comes to what these kinds of htings really are. you are right.
    December 25th, 2009 at 01:18am
  • Yeah...that's technically what homophobia means.
    The real word for people hating gays is anti-gay. :/

    Cheating is actually having sex with another person other than your partner or kissing another person other than your partner.
    December 25th, 2009 at 12:10am