Jimmy - Comments

  • I hear what you're feeling. I was awoken by a text from a friend this morning telling me of his death and I still cannot believe it. Jimmy was one of my idols and I always hoped that one day I would meet him, sadly that will never be.
    He was too young and too talented to be taken from us now.
    Since hearing the news I have been crying, my parents don't understand or don't care but have given up trying.
    My heart and thoughts are with his bandmates and family, none of us can even begin to understand how they feel.
    I feel lucky that I got to see him live once to appreciate his talents to the fullest extent.
    The only thing I hope is that he will rest easy and have one hell of an Afterlife.

    Jimmy "the Rev" Sullivan- Taken too young R.I.P.
    December 29th, 2009 at 11:01pm
  • I've never known anyone who's died and it's never happened to anyone famous that I care about, so this hit me and it really hit me hard. I've cried so much today. I've never been so sad about anything ever. I never got to see them live either (which I regret so much because I was supposed to go see Iron Maiden when A7X were supporting them), but at least I can watch Live in the LBC over and over again. And I'll always be able to listen to the albums and watch the videos and read the interviews.

    I'm gonna try my hardest not to cry tomorrow or the day after that. Jimmy was such a happy person and I don't think he would want anyone to be sad. He got to live out his dreams and be happy, and I think that's exactly what he would want for his fans; that we all do the things that make us happy. So I will try to do just that, and while I do it, I'm gonna be thinking of him. <3
    December 29th, 2009 at 10:43pm
  • This was beautiful and i feel the same way. I just can't believe this happened. I'm still in shock... He was such an awesome person, i never met him and it saddens me greatly that i'll never get the chance to see him play or meet him. But his memory will live on and i will never forget him. R.I.P. Jimmy.
    December 29th, 2009 at 10:01pm
  • Hear, hear!
    I miss that guy so much...It's hard to put in words how much I miss him.
    And it's kind of like...where do I go from here?
    December 29th, 2009 at 07:15pm
  • I feel the same way, like he was my big brother. I am having a hard time dealing with his death, I have been crying for a few hours now and the tears won't stop. Jimmy was an amazing human being and did not deserve to die at such a young age. I can't imagine how the rest of Avenged and Leana are feeling. My heart goes out to them. RIP Jimmy, you will be missed. :(
    December 29th, 2009 at 05:26pm
  • I feel the same way... As though I've really just lost my best friend. I guess that's the thing about Jimmy; he draws everyone in, including random fans who've never had the chance to meet him.

    I can only hope he's up in Heaven running around in his damn kimono and raising all the shit he can.

    R.I.P Jimmy boy.
    December 29th, 2009 at 03:10pm