• violetshadows01

    violetshadows01 (100)

    United States
    ^_^ You and I have had this conversation to the point of no sleep...you're lucky I love you as much as I do ^_^ I will not lie and say I'm not going to miss having the rock in this god forsaken town that keeps me sane (or at least as sane as I'll ever get) and the voice of reason that keeps me grounded and from beating people senseless (or more so than they already are). I cannot help the sorrow that pangs in my chest with each thought of you leaving, but alas, I know you can do this. You can become the Katie I've always known you could be. You can be strong. You can stand on your own two feet. You can be your own person. YOU, Katie, have every right in my mind to be as selfish as you want....and if you ever come to a point where you may need help, you know I, along with Nicole and Nikki, are just a phone call away to help you. If he's going to be a complete and total douche bag about all of this then I think you have every right to tell him where he can shove his self-appointed, I'm-superior-to-you attitude he's gained as of lately. Katie, I can tell you, without ever fearing, that I love you with everything that is in my heart (and we both know there isn't exactly a lot of space left in there for many more people). If there ever came a time, where I was ever to get fed up with men, I'd totally go gay for you ^_^ and not in the creepy perverted way, but more or less because I love you for the person you were when we first met, and I love you even more for the person you are today, and nothing you will come to do will keep me from loving you in the distant future. You are one of the greatest people I've ever known, with a big heart, a smile that can soften this hardened heart of mine (which we've proven six years ago SIX YEARS KATIE), and you have an infinite and undying love for everyone and everything around you...and no matter how many times you have heard me say it over and over again, I hate each and every person that has ever taken advantage of you, your kindness and even more those who broke your gentle, kind and warm heart. Never, ever forget, that even back in this small bum-fuck of a town....you have at least one person who will drop anything (except Amara of course) to come to you, even if it's a phone call at two in the morning (which only you and a select few people are ever allowed to do). Loving you with every part of me that I can give, until the day we are sitting on rocking chairs on a porch, laughing insanely at the kids running around the neighborhood, and even after we die and we're hanging out with all the sinners in Hell (which you're probably going to head to Heaven, so....that might be a bit of a hassle trying to set THAT kind of party up, but I'm sure if there were ever two people to do so, it would be us). Never lose your smile, never let someone else shatter your heart and NEVER let someone take away the spirit inside you that I have come to cherish.
    January 9th, 2010 at 08:30pm
  • Slayer

    Slayer (100)

    United States
    yea be selfish you have a right!
    January 9th, 2010 at 07:39pm