To The Person Who Helped Me Become A Better Person - Comments

  • Runs_With_Scissors17

    Runs_With_Scissors17 (100)

    United States
    sandra my love,
    u r not going to believe this i was corrected on my grammar and spelling on my last journal entry!!!! ha i deleted the comment and told the bitch to lick it, i was upset and its my journal and thats how i want to write. anyway i want to thank you for being you. you showed me to tell people to fuck off and still keep a smile on my face :-) you also showed me to not let people walk all over me!!! and i love u and i always will, no one can take you away from me u r my sandra and i love u and i will die for u too boo
    January 11th, 2010 at 05:51am