Funeral. - Comments

  • KiddoBee

    KiddoBee (100)

    United States
    Thank you all.
    I did want to go to get my right closure,I didn't get to go to Nikki and Gayle's funeral in 2004 because of my age and I still don't feel okay about that because I don't have the right closure,but my dad said that he will find a way for me to get a correct closure with her.
    Thank you guys again.
    January 14th, 2010 at 01:25am
  • vexation

    vexation (150)

    United States
    First off I must say that I am sorry for your loss.
    My friend commited suicide in 2007 and I was unable to go to his funeral. and I have to admit that if I had been able to I think I would feel alot more closure than I do now. But, as you are as young as you are, I can def. see why your dad doesnt want you to go. When my uncle was murdered in July of 2008 I went to the funeral and was allowed to see the body. Although it provided me the closure I needed, the man I saw in the coffin looked nothing like my uncle.

    So remember her for what memories you have and say your own silent goodbyes to her. Suicide is a horrible act, and I will spend my life preventing those I can from doing it, but the fact remains it happens, and when it does, we must allow ourselves to let go of the angry feelings and the hostility we feel.

    Again, I am sorry for your loss, it is a horrible feeling that I wish I could help you to not feel, but in time I can tell you it gets easier.
    January 13th, 2010 at 11:40pm
  • False Illusions;

    False Illusions; (100)

    Did you want to go? Your Dad is right in a sense, but if you wanted to go then it should be your choice.
    Even the strongest of us can fall...
    But, as Jewel Nicole said, you have the good memories and the people there for you. (: Remember the good, not the bad.
    January 13th, 2010 at 11:11pm
  • Jewel Nicole

    Jewel Nicole (100)

    United States
    Well, I'm sorry that your dad isn't allowing you to go the funeral. Did you even want to go?

    Anyway, just pay your respects to her by praying or by talking to her. (If you're religious.)

    But yeah, you have the good memories. :)
    January 13th, 2010 at 10:46pm