Your Opinion On Twilight (TheBOOKS) - Comments

  • I can't be bothered arguing for or against Twilight any more. Seriously, my opinion of it went from loving it, to hating it to a gentle apathy over the space of about a year.
    When I first read the books, I was like, 'omg Edward!' Then after I got them out of my system, I was like, 'God! Twilight is so bad! Edward is so whiny and Bella is so boring and I can't relate to any of them. Burn Twilight!'
    Then I realised that they're not well-written in the grand-scheme of things, they sell due to high consumer appeal (i.e. teenage girls.), the characters do have appeal to most people but to others, they don't and that everyone was divided on the whole thing in way too fanatic a way. I don't care if anyone loves or hates Twilight, I'm just sick of the whole thing.
    January 16th, 2010 at 10:21pm
  • katsumi Just because people have vampire-like problems (sensitivity to the sun and what not) doesn't mean vampires are real. That's a symptom of something totally unrelated.

    What I'm trying to say here is that since vampires are not now and have never been real, it doesn't matter how Stephenie Meyer made them. They're something everybody plays on, and it just doesn't matter if some make them sparkle and some turn them to dust in the sun.
    January 16th, 2010 at 09:51pm
  • It's not hard to excite teenies.
    January 16th, 2010 at 08:25pm
  • I liked the twilight series. Yeah it wasn't the most original, but neither are Sarah Dessen's books and she's just as succesful as Meyer and frankly I think Meyer has a bit more originality to her books.

    Frankly, I applaud Meyer for coming up with something unique and not just the same old same old. Twilight and Peeps by Scot Westerfeld were some of the most unique vampire books that I've read in a while and honestly, I throughly enjoyed twilight.

    I think that most people don't like twilight because of all the hype that it got. They felt like if they said "They liked twilight" they would get counted in with the fan girls.

    I did think that BD was a bit rushed, but you know, whatever. You should try reading her other novel The Host. It's quite good.
    January 16th, 2010 at 08:00pm
  • Secret In My Throat

    I agree with that but honestly Vampirism I don't think will ever be proven I didn't mean the undead thing or the sun thing or the garlic as I said I just mean there are case as you pointed out where people have Vampire like problems...

    I liked the books I own them all I just see where S.Meyer was flawed in them and think it could have been done better. She wasnt the first to do a Vampire who could go out in the sun thought, everyone seems to think she is but she wasnt.

    David Goyer is the first person that I know of I could be wrong, to give his Vampire the ablity to eat garlic and go out in the sunlite Blad!

    As for Bram Stroker a lot of what he has wrote is fact based he based his books particuly on Vlad ?epe? which was translated to mean Dracula witch means "Son of the dragon... He then just made up the stuff about the mirriors garlic and all that...

    As for Anne Rice I have to agree on that she just made her vampires the way they should have been including the way the boredered lined they're sexuality.
    January 16th, 2010 at 07:23pm
  • katsumi Vampirim isn't real. Its been proved. Its a disease that humans caught that cased the sensitivity to sunlight and allergy to garlic. Plus Dracula didn't have those. Dracula wasn't all allergic to the sun. He could go out in the sun, but it weakened his powers.

    I personally liked the books. Because the same vampire myth kept going around, can't go in sunlight, allergy to garlic, coffins. Its good the world has made some changes. The sparkle though, its dumb, but its new. People just don't like change. Meyer did a wonderful job considering this was her first books.

    Also, Vampire in the since of blood drinking is real in a way. There is also energy vampires. Those are most common. But they aren't allergic to garlic and they can go out in the sun if they want and even see themselves in mirror. Most of the things that brought up the myth is about religion.

    The crosses, duh. Mirror, meaning they had no souls. Garlic like like good or something like that. Coffins means they are damned. And can't go in light, its like they can't be in the presence of God.

    Anyway if you read into the whole things then you will find things.

    Bram Stroker made a amazing book but those are his ideas. Meyer made up her own. I bet people said that to him because he was like the first one to make vampires beautiful. Everyone else made them into corpse like and ugly.


    Also Anne Rice is much better in my opinion. Hers is realistic.
    January 16th, 2010 at 07:06pm
  • I didn't like the books, at all. I just finished them because I had nothing better to read. In my opinion, I think Edward and Bella were basically Mary Sues. Edward pretty much had no flaws except for Bella. And Bella was the kind of person who thinks they're ugly but really they aren't. It's just ridiculous to me.
    January 16th, 2010 at 07:02pm
  • Twilight, to me, reads like it was written by an 11 year old girl living out her omgvampires! fantasy via a book that somehow managed to get published. It does not read like it was written by an adult. It's not even the storyline itself - which is poor, in my opinion - but the actual mediocre way it was written made me not able to read past the first book.
    January 16th, 2010 at 07:01pm
  • Pam Halpert

    I like the books myself I just have enough of an open mind that I can see where the book is flawed and needs improvement maybe not just on the whole sparkle thing..

    As for Vampirism you can choese to or not to believe in it but there are even cases in which MD's believe its real to some exstent not the undead part of course but there is an actual deisease that makes peopl to pale low iron and such with are all things undead have, when I say Vamps are real to any exstent I do not in any way mean the Undead way I mean oher ways
    January 16th, 2010 at 06:48pm
  • I liked reading it but it was so easy I finished really fast. I think the reason they may be so popular is they are SO easy to read. Edward is a creeper and Bella is an idiot but you still get mushy feelings so hey why not read it. I do believe it has gone way over the top. I had a girl argue at me about how Twilight was better than Harry Potter. I asked her if she had ever even read them and she's like "No it was too hard." and I was like, "Exactly my point." -_-

    Either way it's an easy teen mush story which is to be expected, it'll die down eventually.
    January 16th, 2010 at 06:30pm
  • katsumi I've read it, and I love it. I still don't think it matters at all if Stephenie Meyer wants to make her vampires sparkle. They aren't real, and they never will be. I don't think 'vampirism' is real, either. Someone can love vampires and want to be one, and they can even go so far to be weird and drink human blood... but they are still not a vampire.
    January 16th, 2010 at 06:17pm
  • The Twilight books, to me, aren't the best.
    But they aren't the worst, either.
    January 16th, 2010 at 06:09pm
  • Pam Halpert

    Vampires are not real this is true, but Vampirism is real and in that sense Vampires still shouldn't sparkle because evem in Vampirism there is no sparkling,just people who lik to bite each other and drink blood...

    Now if you go back and read Bram Strokers Dracula, you'll find its not real but is based on a real person Vlad The Implaler, so in that sense Vampires are kind of real ....
    January 16th, 2010 at 05:55pm
  • I do realize that alot of the things in Twilight really don't make sense and are very over dramatized, but overall, I think it was a good series. Easy to understand though.... but I think the reason alot of people got tired of it was because people are over-talking about it which makes it sound worse. I think if people stop being like those 'twihards' or something, like major fans, than people would hate it less. But yeah overall, I think it's just like any other book, just one that's been hated upon because people always talk about it. -_-
    January 16th, 2010 at 05:47pm
  • I agree with Pam Halpert.

    I read them, but because I need something to read and they pass the time. I think the wolf pack are characterized better than the rest of them. I love the wolves.
    January 16th, 2010 at 05:46pm
  • This subject has been beat to death.


    You're right. They don't actually do anything, because they're not real. She can write them doing whatever the heck she wants them to do. It doesn't matter. There's no set mold for them--they're not real.
    January 16th, 2010 at 05:41pm
  • Katsumi:
    I really do agree with you on that...
    January 16th, 2010 at 05:38pm
  • I hate the whole Twilight concept, books, movies, the retards that like it, ugh they get down to my last nerve.
    January 16th, 2010 at 05:36pm
  • Well I used to really like the first 3 books I hated Breaing Dawn, but after re-reading them a few times I've grown a strong Opinion on the books.

    I do agree Vamps do not sparkle never ever they turn in to dust or what ever if they're in the sun, end of story...

    I think the reason Twilight go so much hype is because it had a forbiden romance theme to it and we as humans are always wantin what we can not have..

    I thnk S.Meyer should really go back and re-write the whole serise over. Bella is a Sue, and some of the others need personalities.

    And honestly whats up with the two love intrests being controling and absuvie mentally, I mean honestly what self respecting woman or teenage girl would stay with a guy who takes apart they're truck?
    January 16th, 2010 at 05:35pm
  • I just realised that my spelling was awful in that, sorry guys...
    Who can blame me. It's 3:25 AM here...

    XxX Haushinka..
    January 16th, 2010 at 05:25pm