I Can't Explain Just What I'm Feeling - Comments

  • imaginary friends

    imaginary friends (150)

    United States
    We're not on a soap opera. We're in real life, and we both know that we're always gonna be tight no matter what. :)
    January 18th, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • imaginary friends

    imaginary friends (150)

    United States
    Hannah, you didn't really need to be forgiven. I mean, look... we've been friends for eleven years, and that was our first argument. Big deal. Shit happens. Right? You were being stubborn; I was being stubborn; it doesn't really matter. I do spend a lot of time with Eugene, and I do make more time for him than I do for everyone else, and I'm honestly sorry. It's really hard not to. My feelings for this boy have been growing for over a year, and just when I don't think they can get any deeper, they do. With every fight and make up and smile and blah blah blah, you get the point, right? I love the boy, and love makes us do stupid shit. My dad pulled me out on it too (though it was under very bullshit situations that I can't quite get into with this comment). Anyway. My point is: Stop being sorry. It doesn't matter. We're still best friends, we just need to try to see each other more. And I'll try to see more of the world than the great man who's always in front of me, even though sometimes he seems like everything, and I'm pretty sure without him, I would be nothing. I love you.
    January 18th, 2010 at 11:12pm