One Shot Requestssss. - Comments

  • harper

    harper (200)

    United States
    Alexi and Godric

    Alexi is a mute living in a rehabilitation center because of a recent drug over dose. She refused to learn sign language and when the nurses no longer have a way of communicating with her, she is sent to a specialist to teach her how to speak with her hands. Alexi resists all attempts at learning until Godric gives her a pencil along with a journal to write everything that she's ever been through in the past down on. Feel free to make up the terrors of Alexi's life. You can decide if Alexi and Godric get together or whatever. I'm up for surprises.

    Age: 23
    Apperance: Medium heigh, 5'8. Short red hair, pale skin, light green eyes. Has a scar that runs the length of her right side jaw line.
    Personality: She keeps to herself and often ignores all other people, but when people attempt to get physical or begin to yell she often has large outburts that involve breaking things.

    Age: 27
    Apperance: Dark cropped hair, 6'2. Muscular, brown eyes.
    Personality: Easy going with plenty of patience. However Godric has a line of morals that when crossed, he becomes quite angry.

    If you felt anything was left out, feel free to simply take as much creative lisence as you want.
    January 22nd, 2010 at 10:04pm
  • jasonsudekis

    jasonsudekis (100)

    Hm... I'm game.

    Two characters. Emma & Alan. They've been best friends since they can remember, but when Emma moves away to a university and Alan stays home to work, he realizes that he was in love with Emma. She starts dating this guy, and only a few months into it, they get engaged. I'd like you to write about Alan telling Emma he loves her and trying to break off the wedding, only days before. I don't care if she ends up with Alan or the other guy, that's totally up to you!

    Age: 21
    Appearance: She's very short; only about 5'2. She has long curly blonde hair and bright brown eyes.
    Personality: Constantly happy. She cares more about other people than maybe she should. She would do anything to make the people she loves happy.

    Age: 21
    Appearance: About 6'1. Shaggy brown hair and green eyes.
    Personality: He's always been pretty shy, and Emma's the only one he's ever really opened up to. He knows how to hold a grudge, and he gets angry very easily.

    January 22nd, 2010 at 09:35pm