My First Entry...Which Could Really Use a Better Title - Comments

  • I hardly plan anything. Sometimes, the best plan is no plan. ;)

    Also, Mibba isn't a monster that will pressure you to update every day.

    'Behind the scenes crap' is allowed if you ever feel like posting it. I know I feel like spilling the beans on my plot twists and rationales more often than I should... >.>

    Anywho, kudos on your first entry,

    January 26th, 2010 at 12:06pm
  • I often "shakes fist at heavens" but i usually end up hitting myself in the eye or with a table(although i have no idea where the table came from). Congrats! You last 15 minutes longer than me before my hand hurts like a mother-(I won't finish that). Anyways, I just felt like commenting. Oh! i will also check your story out. Loose-plot lines = random. Yay for surprises!
    January 26th, 2010 at 07:48am